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If you have residual bills, why not have residual income?

We human tend to do certain things without much thinking. Like residual bills, we tend to go and signed up for residual bills. Some of those residual bills are necessary while other are for pleasure. But why not have residual income?

Let’s just put some thoughts on it.

Residual bills

Residual bill is something that you pay on a continue basics in exchange for goods or services.

Here is a small list of residual bills or expenses that I can think off.

Rent – Some people might be living on a rental apartment. This is a necessity bill that you have to pay every month.

Electricity – Many people have to pay the electricity utility bill every month. Even if the electricity is included in the rent, you are still paying for electricity because the person that is renting you the apartment calculated the electricity and included the electricity in the rent.

Gas – The same, many people have to pay gas utility bill every month. Once again, even if the gas is included in the rent, you are still paying for gas because the person that is renting you the apartment calculated the gas and included the gas in the rent.

Phone – Many people have phone bills. This is one bill that many people have to pay every month. Its a necessity because even if you get a prepaid mobile phone, you still you have to pay yearly, monthly or certain amount of times per year.

Food – Yes fellas, food is consider a daily bill or monthly bill. Whatever you decide to calculated. It’s more than a necessity, it is a requirement since we can not survive without food. Therefore, every month we are spending certain amount of money on food.

Health insurance – Is a insurance bill that most people have to pay every paycheck or every month. If you live in the U.S. like yours truly, health insurance is quite expensive.

Vision or eye care insurance -This is another bill that you have to pay every paycheck or every month. You would think vision insurance is included in health insurance but it’s not included. You have to pay for eye care insurance separately. Even when it’s included, you are paying for it as a bundle. Go U.S.

Dental insurance – Is another insurance bill that you have to pay every month or every paycheck. Once gain, someone would thing that this is included in the health insurance but it is not included. You have to pay for dental insurance separately. Again, even when it’s included, you are paying for it as bundle.

Tooth paste – Is another bill or expense that you are paying every month or every few months. Whether you buy it in bundle or individually this is a expense that some people don’t notice.

Tooth brush – Another expense or bill that you paying ever few months. Hope, you are blushing your teeth after each meal.

Soap – This is a bill or a expense that most people are paying every few months. We have to keep ourselves clean. Everyday!

Clothes – This is a expense or bill that people pay. This varies base on people expending habits. But depending on the person this could go from paycheck to pay check , to months or years.

Internet – Is another bill that you have to pay every month. For many people it’s a requirement.

Entertainment – many people pay for entrainment every month for example Netflix.

Maintenance or repair – many people do not know the amount but this is a expense that is coming. Usually something happens in a monthly to yearly basics where you have to maintain or repair something. And this could be quite expensive.

These are some of the residual bills or expenses that came to mind. You ought to notice that most of them are basically needed to be able to live in the current society in the U.S.

Residual income

Residual income is something that you receive in a continue basics for providing goods or services.

The sad reality is that most people have residual bills. Even worse, most people have some or none residual income.

In order to combat residual bills we should simply get or obtain residual income. We should switch the script by minimizing residual bills and increasing residual income.

Here is a list of residual income

Real Estate – instead of you being a tenant, you can become a property owner. You can buy a duplex or building with more units and rent it out. So you can start getting residual income.

Electricity – the businesses that are providing the electricity services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the electricity business.

Gas – the businesses that are providing the gas services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the gas services.

Phone – the businesses that are providing phone services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the phones services.

Are you noticing a trend here?

I hope, you see where I’m going with this. I’m going to continue and repeat my self as much as I can until you get it. Many humans might think they get it but they actually don’t. Otherwise people would not wait until things get to emergency level in order to do something.

Food – the businesses that are selling food need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the food you eat.

Health insurance – the businesses that are providing the health insurance services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the health insurance that you are using.

Vision or eye care insurance – the businesses that are providing the eyes care insurance services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the vision services you use.

Dental insurance – the businesses that are providing dental insurance services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the dental insurance services that you use.

Tooth paste – the businesses that are selling tooth paste products want customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the tooth paste products that you use.

Tooth brush – the businesses that are selling tooth brush products want customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the tooth brush products that you use.

It is starting to sink in now? I hope so, let’s continue

Soap – the businesses that are selling soap products wants customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the soap products that you use.

Clothes – the businesses that are selling clothe products need and want customers. Many people like to look good. How about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the clothes type that you use.

Internet – the businesses that are providing internet services need customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the internet service that you use.

Entertainment – the businesses that are providing entertainment services need customers. This is a huge industry to make money. How about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the entertainment service that you use.

Maintenance or repair – the businesses that are providing maintenance or repair need and want customers, how about doing affiliate marketing and earn some commission at no extra cost to the customer by promoting the repair or maintenance services that you use.

Pay attention! It does not have to be affiliate marketing. I just think affiliate marketing is the way to go if you have not make anymore yet. It’s simple , Someone wants something they buy it. Someone Sell something they sell it. You as an affiliate help them both by allow them to meet.

You can also create your own products or services too. The point that I am trying to make is that we need to switch the script from residual bills to residual income.

In other words, change your behavior from being a consumer to being a creator. We all have to consume but at least minimize the consumption until you have real financial wealth to spend. instead become a creator. Start creating things. Start documenting things.

I said real financial wealth to spend because if you start acquiring assets and minimizing liabilities. Eventually, you might get to critical point where your asset are generation so much income that your expenses from your lifestyle won’t be able to keep up with all the money that is coming your way.

In other words. The profits or the income that your assets are generating is so much that you take a portion of that income to generate more income and another portion of that income to live what ever expensive lifestyle you want. Forever!

That’s why you might hear many time that the richer get richer.

Residual income list continue

Peer to peer lending – you can join platforms that allow you to lend money to people and make money with the interest that you generate from the loans.

Short term rentals – this is when you temporary rent your place or part of your place to someone else. Such as Airbnb.

Dividend stocks – this is when you invest in the stock market with the aim of receiving monthly or quarterly dividend income.

Sell or resell things online – someone’s garbage is someone else treasure! you can sell thing online in places like amazon, eBay, craigslist. It may not look like residual income, but once you put the listing all you have to do is wait until someone buys whatever you are selling.

Create and monetize a blog – this is something that I recommend and I’m passionate about. Just focus on something that you enjoy. So, you don’t give up. You can have one or multiple blogs. You can create a blog in a niche or multi niche. Whatever tickles your fancy.

Create and monetize videos – So many people watch YouTube videos. How about you switch the script and start making videos instead of just watching them. Find something you like and start uploading videos.

Create and monetize podcast – I can’t read while sleeping but I sure can listen to digital audios. Maybe digital audios is your thing. There is market , find what people like to listen while they are sleeping and start creating audios.

Create and make money with course – It amaze me how some of people disregard course. With a lot of time, research and patience you can find any information online for “Free”. On the other hand, you have people that prefer to trust someone and take the shortcut by buying the organized and compile course.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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