Black Bluetooth headphone
I try many head, expensive and complex one, and simple one. I like this simple one
Black Bluetooth headphone I recommend
SKU(s): 810399481 , model BT100, vibe e-essential, for some reason it says 5 hours play time but I can use it the whole day from morning to night before it start making the beeping sound to let you know that the battery is low,
I like it so much that I bought another one, so I have two and I alternate between them if one is charging. It charge quicker than what the box says too. it says charging time 2.5 hours.
Mind you I have many other headset, but this is how comfortable I find it.
It’s really loud too, so I usually listen to things on low volume.

With any headset that you use, a trick you can use to protect your ears is to wear headwear, like a winter headwear. It make any headset more comfortable too.
If at any time your inner ear start hurting, it means that you are or you have being listening to things too loud, so lower the volume to protect your hearing. If you not hearing too well, your ear should adjust to the lower volume of the sound just like your eyes adjust to light.
Notice I said inner ear, not outer ear. If your outer ear hurt then that has to do with how comfortable the headset is.
By the way, as a blogger you can use it even if you are not listing to things to help reduce the surrounding noise or sound around you. You can use it as a noise canceling headphone.
That’s it.