How to add a read meter to your WordPress blog website and a reading progress bar time to keep your readers glued to your content

In today’s blog tutorial, we are going to show you how to add a read meter to your WordPress blog website and a reading progress bar time to keep your readers glued to your content

–> Update! : This plugin broke my site, use at your own peril<–

This plugin changed the way that my theme looks like, it rearrange the distance between the post and sidebar, I could have live with that but then started giving a WordPress error Skip to content, which shows all your menu and content as links.

Deactivating the plugin fixed the WordPress error skip to content but it did not fixed the distance between the post and sidebar.

If you wish to use the plugin anyway, continue reading


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is examaple-of-read-meter-1024x728.png


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is example-of-progress-bar-1024x738.png

We are going to be using a WordPress plugin called Read meter

Step : 1

Login into your WordPress Dashboard

Step : 2

Click on Plugins


Step : 3

Click on Add New

add new 1

Step : 4

In the Search bar type Read meter

read meter

Step : 5

Click on Install now and activate


Step : 6

Go to Settings > read meter

settings read meter

Step : 7

Click on the tab Read Time and choose where you want the read time to appear. We choose Above the content

read time

Choose The Colors you want and click Save

color and save

Example of read meter

examaple of read meter

Step : 8

In Read meter , go to the tab Progress Bar and Choose where you want the bar to be display , we choose Bottom of the page, choose colors and click Save, If you change the styles it add extra color

progress bar

Example of Progress bar

example of progress bar

That’s it.

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