
Live Marketing HQ and Official Copywriting Guide Justin Atlan

Live Marketing HQ is a comprehensive affiliate marketing training program and Official Copywriting Guide is an e-book with 77 Surefire Tips to Accelerate Your Online Marketing Success

Live Marketing HQ

Live Marketing HQ and Official Copywriting Guide

  • Type:  affiliate marketing training program, Copy writing
  • Owner/Creator/Team:  Justin Atlan
  • Price: $6.97 for Official Copywriting Guide, $47.00 per month for Live Marketing HQ Flagship Training Program 
  • Return:  30 days money back guarantee
  • Official website: livemarketinghq.com

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  • The guide is inexpensive for the tools, tips and tricks it offer

How does it work?

You get an E-book/guide with tools, tips and tricks that teaches how to make money. If you like what you see and you are interested into a more comprehensive affiliate marketing program you can upgrade to Live Marketing HQ Flagship Training Program

What you’ll get in the Guide

The 77 copywriting secret official guide tips

  • #1: The one “humbling epiphany” you must embrace if you want to massively succeed selling ClickBank products
  • #2: Inversion copy” strategy for driving high-value, targeted traffic to ClickBank offers
  • #3: The eye-opening secret behind one of the biggest banner ad runaway success stories
  • #4: How to avoid making your VSL sound like a 90-minute timeshare presentation.
  • #5: How to avoid getting slapped by Google…
  • #6: Why social media platforms hate copywriters and the smart way you as an ethical copywriter can use this to your advantage
  • #7: Facebook Ad Tracking Exposed: How Zuckerberg and pals decide your business’s fate.
  • #8: Why and how Facebook stalks you–and what you can do to almost guarantee it does not shoot down your ads, suspend or ban your account
  • #9: The #1 JOB of a ClickBank copywriter in your quest for a flood of conversions
  • #10: One counter-intuitive rule that makes prospects stick to sales letters like Gorilla glue
  • #11: A simple headline copywriting formula that delivers conversions regardless of niche, market or product
  • #12: THE ONE SUBTLE BUT POWERFUL ACTIVITY you can do that makes a ClickBank publisher’s sales job significantly easier
  • #13: The 3-letter word prospects love even more than highly relevant content
  • #14: An immediate red flag to prospects that instantly gets them leaving you
  • #15: The newly-discovered 4-phase “gauntlet” you, as a copywriter must go through to create a loyal, almost-obsessive customer
  • #16: Prospects need THIS before you can even think about selling something
  • #17: Powerful tactic to help someone online overcome doubt, skepticism and lack of trust
  • #18: How to flip the ‘convinced’ switch in a prospect’s brain
  • #19: Want to know the marketer’s most coveted possession online?
  • #20: The TRUTH about ClickBank® sales funnels
  • #21: ClickBank Godsend: The secrets of the perfect self-liquidating offer
  • #22: How you can look forward to eye-popping conversions of 50% or more
  • #23: How to get your prospect to overcome mountains of skepticism and part with their hard-earned money
  • #24: The tiny ‘back-end’ leverage point that creates ClickBank millionaires
  • #25: How to locate PROVEN ClickBank money machines you can study, swipe and profit from
  • #26: Discover what copy is working RIGHT NOW
  • #27: Simple strategy to mining for gold in the ClickBank marketplace
  • #28: Are you an affiliate? Here’s the single most important metric on ClickBank
  • #29: The simple email subject line that can make you a major or minor fortune as an affiliate
  • #30: The email close that auto-magically gets almost ANY affiliate generating sales right away
  • #31: 2 killer sales criteria you MUST include in every email you send
  • #32: How to tap into a powerful law of nature that COMPELS people to open, click and BUY 
  • #33: One of the most powerful techniques in direct response
  • #34: N/A? How a list copywriters really leverage their swipe files
  • #35: Why you should never flat out STEAL a sales letter. Don’t do this. Seriously. Just don’t.
  • #36: How to cherry pick like a pro. What you CAN use from winning sales videos, pages and emails.
  • #37: Revealed: The unspoken “copycat truth” about wildly successful sales letters
  • #38: One surefire way to be “a copywriting cobbler”
  • #39: How to get “NSA-level intel” on what works on ClickBank–WITHOUT using ClickBank
  • #40: The 5 *OMG* secrets you must uncover from every ClickBank® campaign.
  • #41: How to laser-target your market and have them feel like you know what they’re going through on a DEEP level
  • #42: N/A? Have you seen the six pack abs YouTube ad rolls? The surprising truth about its real target audience
  • #43: Affiliate Super Tip: the contrarian way to promote ClickBank bestsellers
  • #44: The Oprah Strategy” for building a ClickBank empire
  • #45: The ONE thing 99% of successful ClickBank sales letters and videos contain
  • #46: How A-list copywriters and marketers ‘absorb’ the money-raking secrets of the biggest ClickBank® VSLs
  • #47: N/A? How to write a sales story so compelling it jerks your reader around like a rag doll
  • #48: The one fundamental emotion you want to tap into every time with your sales story
  • #49: THE #1 MISTAKE copywriters make that has prospects rapidly abandoning sales pages in droves
  • #50: Two software apps that let you spy on your prospects
  • #51: The key to leading your prospect where you want them to go i.e. clicking the buy button
  • #52: The Michael Bay Strategy: How to make your sales message as compelling as a Hollywood blockbuster
  • #53: How long should your sales copy be? The answer will surprise you, especially if you write copy
  • #54: The #1 pre-sell tactic. If you’re an affiliate, this ‘stealth’ tactic can propel you to the top of JV leaderboards
  • #55: The type of book you must read to dramatically improve your sales copy
  • #56: How to carefully (and undetectably) weave powerful sales triggers into your story
  • #57: Your biggest copywriting competitive advantage
  • #58: The simple hook concept that generated over $1 BILLION dollars
  • #59: The 8-letter word that has shown to unlock ClickBank riches
  • #60: The secret strategy that helped get a client’s article to 60,000 shares
  • #61: How horribly decaying feet helped me uncover a wonderful research resource
  • #62: Your #1 resource if you’re marketing in the health niche
  • #63: Google’s FREE tool
  • #64: How to know exactly how much a competitor is spending each month
  • #65: The truth about ‘home run’ copywriting. And why the copywriting gurus may have fed you nonsense
  • #66: The tools you need to optimize your pages and videos like a pro
  • #67: The single most important thing to test in your sales copy
  • #68: The weirdly unconventional secret for wildly successful sales page testing
  • #69: N/A? How to quickly and easily zone in on a cash spewing headline
  • #70: Look over your prospect’s shoulder and figure out how they’re consuming your sales video
  • #71: Where on the page is your prospect clicking, scanning and skipping?
  • #72: When you absolutely must NOT fiddle with your sales copy
  • #73: The #1 MOST IMPORTANT thing to test
  • #74: Make THIS your first knee-jerk reaction after a sales page misfire for a quick and successful turnaround
  • #75: The most important element of your offer
  • #76: The Don Corleone Strategy” to making your prospects an offer they can’t refuse
  • #77: Above all else, study this one element of a successful promo.

If you are interested in more details check the link bellow

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