Spendthrift Trusts: A Way to Protect Your Beneficiaries’ Assets

Spendthrift Trusts: Do you have concerns about how your beneficiaries will manage their inheritance? Are you worried that they might spend it all too quickly, or that they might be taken advantage of by creditors? If so, a spendthrift trust may be a good option for you.

spendthrift trust

Spendthrift Trusts: A Way to Protect Your Beneficiaries’ Assets

A spendthrift trust is a type of trust that is designed to protect the beneficiary’s interest in the trust from creditors and from the beneficiary themselves. This means that the beneficiary cannot sell, assign, or gift their interest in the trust, and creditors cannot attach the trust assets to satisfy their debts.

In this blog post, we will discuss what spendthrift trusts are, how they work, and who might benefit from them. We will also discuss some of the pros and cons of spendthrift trusts, so that you can decide if they are right for you.

What is a Spendthrift Trust?

A spendthrift trust is a type of trust that is designed to protect the beneficiary’s interest in the trust from creditors and from the beneficiary themselves. This means that the beneficiary cannot sell, assign, or gift their interest in the trust, and creditors cannot attach the trust assets to satisfy their debts.

Spendthrift trusts are typically created by a grantor who is concerned about how their beneficiaries will manage their inheritance. The grantor may be worried that the beneficiary will spend the money all too quickly, or that they might be taken advantage of by creditors. By creating a spendthrift trust, the grantor can ensure that the beneficiary’s inheritance is protected.

How Do Spendthrift Trusts Work?

Spendthrift trusts typically work by giving the trustee the power to distribute trust assets to the beneficiary. The trustee can distribute the assets according to a schedule, or they can make distributions on an as-needed basis. The trustee can also refuse to make distributions if they believe that the beneficiary is not using the money wisely.

In most cases, the trustee is a financial professional who is responsible for managing the trust assets. The trustee will have a fiduciary duty to the beneficiary, which means that they must act in the beneficiary’s best interests.

Who Might Benefit from a Spendthrift Trust?

Spendthrift trusts can benefit a variety of people, including:

  • Beneficiaries who have poor financial management skills
  • Beneficiaries who are vulnerable to financial exploitation
  • Beneficiaries who are at risk of incurring significant debt
  • Beneficiaries who are minors or incapacitated

Pros and Cons of Spendthrift Trusts

Spendthrift trusts have both pros and cons. Some of the pros of spendthrift trusts include:

  • They can protect beneficiaries from creditors.
  • They can protect beneficiaries from themselves.
  • They can provide a way to distribute trust assets over time.

Some of the cons of spendthrift trusts include:

  • They can be expensive to create and maintain.
  • They can limit the beneficiary’s control over their inheritance.
  • They can be difficult to change or revoke.


Spendthrift trusts are a valuable estate planning tool that can help to protect beneficiaries’ assets. However, they are not right for everyone. If you are considering creating a spendthrift trust, it is important to speak with an experienced estate planning attorney to discuss your specific needs.

Thank you for reading this blog post about spendthrift trusts. I hope that you found it informative.

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