Affiliate marketing step by step – Starting from zero
How do you go about creating an online business that bring you income. We’ll go over mindset, the right structure, hub based business model

Affiliate marketing step by step – Starting from zero
- Mindset
- the right structure
- hub based business model
You ought to know that the opportunity is there. It’s possible to make a lot of money online.
There people that are doing it right now. Even though human are unique, you as a human being has the same capability as any one that has become financially wealthy online.
Do you know what Expedia and NerdWallet has in common? They don’t own their own product. They use a commission based business model. known by many as affiliate marketing. But they do some type of enhance affiliate marketing because they created a hub.
More of this hub in a moment.
The Right Structure
Let’s thing about structure for a moment. What’s everybody doing?
What most people are doing is that they are taking an affiliate link from places such as Walmart, Amazon or from affiliate networks like ClickBank, JvZoo, Warrior Plus and sending traffic there.
Obviously, there are some affiliate marketer making money that way, but most affiliate marketers don’t make any money if they do, they make very little money this way.
So you probably ought not to do the same thing that they are doing.
What you ought to do is do the same thing that companies like NerdWallet, Expedia, Airbnb, Uber, Lyft are doing.
Think about it
- Airbnb hos no properties – they recommend
- Uber has no car – they recommend
- NerdWallet – they recommend
- Expedia – they recommend
- Lyft – they recommend
They have no product of their own. They just connect the people that have the products or services with the people that want the products or services.
As a result they get a commission for it. It’s affiliate marketing.
Hub based business model
In order to build an profitable affiliate marketing the right way, you ought to use a hub based business model.
A hub is like a home on the internet. A hub is a central place where everything connect to it.
- A hub is not funnel, even though it has funnel
- A hub is not a website , even though it has a website or blog.
- A hub is like a brand
- A hub is like a community that you build online
The image bellow is an example, the funnel may varies. You might add a thank you page and so on, But it is so you can have a picture ideal in your mind of what we talking about.

That’s it for now.
Start and adjust as you go.