
Affiliate marking – make money

This is how people can make money with affiliate marketing. Three simple steps simplified.

Steps one: affiliate website

You create an affiliate website.

This affiliate website will be sending traffic, leads and sales to a business website.

Step two: business

The business website will be receiving the sales , leads and traffic with a smile in it’s face.


Because that’s extra sales, leads and traffic that they would have not gotten otherwise.

Also the business will be paying commission to the affiliate program for all the sales, leads and traffic at not extra cost to the customer.

Step three: affiliate program

The affiliate program will be sending you a pay check to you for the leads, sales and traffic that you generate for the business.

You can look at this part as an affiliate network.

If you want you can skip the affiliate network and just deal with the business. However, the affiliate network is like a hub.

Many businesses go to this hub to list they product. And many affiliates go to this hub to find product that they can promote.

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