Best Email Marketing Service – Simplify

Hi, is me, in this post we going to explained what is the best email marketing service. We’ll go over smtp, smtp service, CRM

What Is An Email Marketing Service?

An Email Marketing service consist of two things.

The sending part, this is where the email are send, you can use a SMTP or SMTP server for sending the emails

The management part. This is where the email are manage, stored, you do campaign, you can monitor the data. You can use an email marketing management application, also know as CRM.

the combination of both the sending part and the management part, create a full email marketing system.

3 Options To Build The Email Marketing System

There are 3 options to build the email marketing system.

Option one, is to go with an email marketing company like AWeber or ConvertKit.

Option two is to install your own email marketing application but you need to subscribe to SMTP services like Amazon SES.

Option three , is to build everything from scratch, your own email marketing application and your own SMTP server.

Things To Notices:

For option one, Email Marking company like AWeber do not allow Bulk emails, You may get blacklisted.

Bulk email can be done by installing your own email marketing application and subscribe to a SMTP service like Amazon SES, this is option two. Although they can still detect bulk email , so be careful.

You can also build everything from scratch, this is the best but the most difficult.

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