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Is blogging still profitable?

The fact that you landed on this blog post should answer your question. If you missed the answer then let me make it clear to you. The answer is yes.

Human can consume information by reading, watching or listening. There will always be a portion of the population that like to read or watch or listen or a mixture of them.

With enough time and consistency even if you are clueless, eventually you figure out how profitable blogs are.

The real question you should be asking is do you want to be a blogger?

Image what could be like when the rest of your life is totally different than the current life you are living now.

No more waking up at a specific time. Just wake up when you feel well rested.

No more eating because have to eat to have energy for the long workday. Just eat when you feel like it.

No more holding your urine or waiting to use the restroom. Just go when you feel like it.

No more commuting to work. Don’t have to waste time driving.

No more 9-5 job. You just spend 30 minutes to 4 hours on something you enjoy and get paid.

No more taking orders from a boss as an employee. You are the boss.

No more listing to some coworkers complaint. Just peace and quiet.

I can go on and on, but by now, you are smart enough to get the point.

Routine and habit

As a blogger, you just need to create a routine of writing something everyday.


A routine is an intentional repeated action. This routine require effort from you. You have control over it. In time that routine will become a habit.


A habit is an automated repeated action. This habit is effortless and easy to do. You have no control over it. You just do it. Sometime you just do the action without noticing.

Is like biting your nails. You doing something else, suddenly you notice that your are biting your nails.

Having the habit of blogging is the same thing. You can be doing anything, suddenly you feel the urge to write a thought the came to your mind, or something that you just experience.

You can have a niche blog or multiple niche blog. A niche is when you write on something really specific. for a specific audience.

You can have a multi blog with different topics or multiple multi blogs or a mixture of it. What ever you feel like doing. It’s your journey.

Profit and lifestyle

Someone said that death and taxes are the only things that are guaranteed.

But I can almost guaranteed that with consistency without giving up. If you start blogging for money, eventually your priority will change and money will become a second thought.

It’ll get to a point where the passive income that is generated from your multiple sources of income is way higher than your current life style.

You will blog because you actually enjoy educating and helping people.

The Magic of Compound

When you blog, you not longer trading time for money. You can write a blog post and that blog post could bring passive income for years.

Imagine if you were to write a blog post everyday, in one year that’s 365 blog post, in two years that’s 730 blog post, in 3 years that’s 1095 blogs post and so on.

Now, check this out.

It just take one blog post to go viral, that one blog post will bring a lot of people to your blog. Which in turn will allow the people to check some of your other blog post. Which will result in an increase in traffic to your other blog post, which in turn your other blog post will start bring more people.

That’s the magic of compound.

Once you have traffic or an audience the money will come naturally and effortlessly. It’ll come to a point where you went from trying to make money to politely refusing offers of making money.

People and businesses will actually contact you and paid you big $$$ for you to allow them to put an ad on your blog or to write a blog post about their product. Or they will want to pay you for you to email your audience.

It’ll will be up to your to decide what’s beneficial to your audience by listening to your audience.


Image that now you have a lot of extra money. What do you do with that extra money?

I hope, you are not thinking of keeping it on the bank. Or use that money to start buying liabilities.

Once you are financially free, you can buy whatever liability you want since they pay themselves.

For now, you need to learn how to manage your money. You can share what you have learned with your audience. What worked and what did not work.

The ironic of this is that you genuinely share this information to help the audience which in turn, will bring you more money.

Since you have all this capital, you ought to put your money into circulation, so your money came bring more money.

It’s called investing.

Now, you need to learn investing, you learn to protect and growth your money. You need to learn things like cash flow and all that interest stuff.

Guess what?

Now you get to share what you learned. You get to share what worked and what did not work with your audience. Once gain, you truthfully want to help your audience. They are like kind of family, you just want the best for them.

Once again, the ironic of this is that it’ll make you even more money. It’s like a win to win situation.

That platform that you are using for investing. Since you are using it and it’s working for you, now you can recommend it to your audience.

The platform that you using for investing will happily give you some type of commission for bringing a customer to the platform at no extra cost to customer because that’s a extra customer that they have not have gotten otherwise.

It’s called affiliate marketing. It just one of the many ways that you can make money.

And it all start because you decided to create a blog or multiple blogs and stay consistent to create the habit of writing.

Final thoughts

Just one skill.

Write consistency with the intention of helping people. With the intention of solving people’s problem. You can write every day, or every two days or every three days, or every week. Whatever tickles your fancy.

Create your routine , so it can eventually become a habit. The money will eventually come.

By the way, if you really an extreme introvert. You want to help people but don’t like to interact with people even by comments or email, I know it’s a paradox.

I have good news for you. There are many profitable blogs that have comments turn off, and don’t have an email audience either. They just post stuff on the blog and monetize the blogs almost completely passive.

So passive that you can even outsource the writing. Outsourcing is when you hire someone else to write the articles.

But keep in mind that the money that a blog can bring you, is nothing compare to having an email audience.


Because it takes the same amount of time to write an email to send to one person than it’s to send the same email to one million people.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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