Reason why you should not use AdSense as a way to monetize your blog
The reason that you might monetize your blog is because you want to make money. If this is the case then AdSense may not be a great way to get income from your blog. It pays very little with a huge amount of traffic, in additional nowadays many people use some type of ads blocker which minimize the amount of money that you can make.

Reason why you should not use AdSense as a way to monetize your blog
Your readers do not like ads
Imagine you are focus, watching your favorite show. Someone that is passing by you, Suddenly stop between you and the TV show which leads to blocking your view of the show. This interruption lead to you paying attention to this person or you might get aggravated that this person interrupted you.
That’s what ads does. They interrupt your current focus in the hope that you click on them.
That’s one of the reasons why many readers do not like ads, it may create an unpleasant experience for readers.
AdSense slow down your blog
The more plugins, images and stuff you have on your blog, the slower it becomes. AdSense is no exception to this rule.
If you use AdSense it may heavily slow down your website.
It take too long to make money with AdSense
Oh boy, AdSense pays monthly, You need to reach the payment threshold of around $100 , so if you have less than that , you just don’t get pay that month and have to wait until the next billing cycle assuming that by then you have reached the payment threshold.
This is also assuming that you have high traffic, if you have low traffic to your blog, it might take years before you see any money.
AdSense pays very little money
It depend in which niche you are in.
If you are in a niche like insurance then the pay out is high you can get pay around $15 per one thousand views or more, but if you are in niche like electronic then the pay out is really low like a few cents per an thousand view, maybe 60 cents give it or take.
However, in general, For 1000 views Google AdSense pays any where from around $6to $18 on average.
This is assuming that you are in a place like in the united state.
In 2023 the minimum wage would be anywhere from around to $10 to $15 per hours depending on the state. You do the math which one will be more cost effective.
AdSense may lead your readers to question your Integrity
That’s right, readers might question your integrity since you might be seen as a sale out.
When you put ads on your blog most likely you have not use the ad product. So in a way you are promoting something that you have not use yourself.
Your blog purpose and AdSense ads although similar may differentiate
Since ads are randomize, you don’t know what’s going to be shown to the readers. Although ads are suppose to be related to your topics, some times the ads that are shown greatly differ from what you are posting.
You sending your readers away
This one is huge, You do an massive amount of work to bring reading to your blog, yet then you turn around and send them away from your blog to an ad.
Some people might consider that a rookie mistake.
Image that you get 1000 visitors to your blog.
You can do affiliate marking , couching, sale a product, Email marketing, and so.
There is not a cap on the amount of money that you can make for just one sale. You can make $50 or you can make $25,000 with just one sale since there is no cap.
On the other hand, with AdSense you are cap on the amount of money that you can make.
AdSense can banned, cancel or disable your account at any time
That’s right, you might get you account disable or closed for policies violation, they don’t even explain why.
Final thoughts
There are much better ways to monetizes your blog than with ads which make you way more money and make you readers like you more for not using ads.
Now pay attention I am going to give some super Wisdom now.
It is ok for you to buy ads. This bring more traffic to your website. You invest $1 dollar you get $42 back in the lifetime of the customer or you invest $1 and you get $2 back making a profit of $1.
As long as you are in profit buying ads is great.
But putting ads on one of my main websites. That’s a no no.
If you have a website that you use for testing purposes, so I guess yeah, go ahead and put some ads, might as well make some passive money.
But if it is one of your main websites. I do not recommends ads.
This is just my opinion of course, you can do whatever you want.