In Business There Are 3 Types of Education

In Business There are 3 types of education. Financial education, professional education and academic education. Let’s focus only on Financial education specially the branch financially literacy because of the 3 this is the one that can make you money without you working 24/7.

Academic education, this focus on writing , reading and arithmetic. Simple stuff, it can be use in your every day life.

Professional education, you can think of it as lawyer or doctor. They trade their time for high income. call it specialization if you want.

Financial education is the ability to understand how financial resources work. It helps someone to manage the expenses and planning for the future. It’s broad and includes financial literacy, economics and others.

Financial literacy is the skill sets that allow someone to make informed and effective decisions with their financial resources. It’s the ability to mange your financial resources.

It’s the ability to understand how money works. how someone makes money, how someone manage money, how someone invests money and how someone spend it.

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