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Mastering book publishing – Stefan James

Mastering book publishing is an Amazon Kindle Publishing training program that teach how to make money ethically. Even if you’re not an author or sold anything online before!

mastering book publishing

Mastering book publishing

  • Type: Kindle publishing, Amazon.
  • Owner: Stefan James
  • Price: $147
  • Refund: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Payment methods

Payment methods 5
Payment methods 2 1
  • Credit card, PayPal


Anyone can do it. Even if you’re not an author or sold anything online before!

What you’ll get in program?


  • Modules 1 : The Mind-shift to master the strategy
  • Modules 2 : Highly profitable niche mining and selection
  • Modules 3 : Creating a quality book
  • Modules 4 : Mastering the book launch
  • Modules 5 : Marketing, promotion, and optimization for passive income


  • Bonus #1:Immediate Access To My “Done-For-You Templates Library”
  • Bonus #2: Exclusive Training “How To Build A Publishing Company”
  • Bonus #3: Exclusive Training “Book Publishing Automation & Scaling”


testimonial 1
testimonial 2

If you are interested in more details check the link bellow

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