Real money streams
Real money streams is a program that helps people to make money. It help people make an extra $500 per week or more by making honest work. It shows different type of income methods where you can get paid.

Real money streams
- Type: Freelancing training, Sales funnel, Videos, training, tutorials, work from home, case studies, Tasks
- Owner: Chris
- Price: $37 plus upsells, upsell $47 then $17/m or Down-sell $17 then 17/m
- Return: Sold through ClickBank and ClickBank return policy is usually 30-60 days
- Official website:
Payment Methods
Credit/Debit Card
- You can work from home
- Make it clear that you actually have to work, like a real job.
- Shows real way to make money
- Since it’s sold through ClickBank, you have a money back guarantee if you don’t like it.
How does it work?
- You get paid by doing different tasks of your choice such as proofreading, data entry, labeling, etc
If you are interested in more details check the link bellow