Don’t trade hard assets for hard assets, is better to trade fiat for hard assets

Don’t trade hard assets for hard assets, is better to trade fiat for hard assets.

What do I mean by this?

This is just my opinion of course. This is not legal advice, nor financial advice, always do your own research.

All fiat money lacks intrinsic value. None of the today’s currencies are backed by any commodity. Yes, fiat is consider a legal tender but it’s only value by the government that issued it.

Through history, when it comes to fiat money, a lot of historical currencies have ended. This appears to usually happens because of hyper inflation or because the government collapsed.

Yet, commodities like gold which is not fiat, has endure through time. Land and properties has also appears to endure.

Nowadays, with the internet. Just as gold has endure through time, it appears that cryptocurrency will be the new commodity. Bitcoin to be specific, appears to be the new commodity of the future.

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