Sovereignism by Robert Breedlove – my understanding of it

I was looking into bitcoin online since many people is talking about it. Some how I ran into one this guy articles name Robert Breedlove. He’s explaining bitcoin, money and sovereignism.

What in hell is Sovereignism?

It appears that Sovereignism, sovereigntism and souverainism(french) means the same thing? the online dictionary that I use does not recognize this words. And the explanation that I found online is still confusing, is like like everybody is giving their own definition.

After many readings this is what I understood.

Sovereign-ism is about freedom. It’s about the individual freedom. It’s about the freedom from anything that would in anyway suppress the individual.


If you have money in some type of account. Regardless of your situation, the government is not able to use their authority to freeze or take you money.

He is more specific example.

In the USA there is something call default judgment. This is when someone sue you and you lose because you did not show up. And you did not show up because you did not know about it.

Many years pass by and some how their finally find your bank account. Their freeze your bank and take you money.

You call you bank to see what is going on, to see why is you bank account frozen.

You try to dispute it but then find out that when someone sue you ,you only have a limited amount of time to dispute.

And because it’s being some many years. If you can afford it ,you try to get a lawyer which cost you money. And even then, there is big chance that the judge won’t take your side since you only have a limited amount of time to dispute.

This bring us back to the important of money and bitcoin.

So this guy Robert Breedlove is talking about Sovereign-ism and bitcoin. How no one can’t take you bitcoin unless you give them your bitcoin wallet key. Not even the government. they can’t freeze your bitcoin.

Even if someone were to use physical violence to force you to give them that bitcoin wallet key. They cannot get that money from your bitcoin wallet unless you give them the key.

Hence, no key , no money.

Sovereign-ism and bitcoin

Robert Breedlove goes over how in the same way that capitalism outcompetes communism, sovereign-ism outcompetes capitalism.

Now he really got my attention. I like capitalisms and if you can proof to me that there something better then I am listening.

So, he goes over how money has always being confiscable, meaning that they can take your money. And how coercion and violence has always being a useful tool by the government to control people.

Someone may ask coercion and violence really?

Coercion is the practice of persuading someone to do something by using threats.

You can look at taxes. You have no choice but to pay taxes regardless of the brackets that you are in. It does not matter if you think that the taxes are too high. You can not just go to another government and pay less taxes.

Violence can come if you don’t pay your taxes, they can throw you in jail and put you in a room with some very nice people.

So, Coercion and violence has always being useful until digital technology like bitcoin arrive in cryptocurrency. Because you can buy bitcoin from a decentralized place.

I think it goes like this, no ID’s or Proof require by doing this.

  • VPN first
  • Tor browser second
  • Decentralized wallet to keep you bitcoin on it, only you have the key to it. ( have multiple wallets)
  • Decentralized p2p exchange or decentralized exchange, where you can trade by buying or selling.

Or you can buy and sell bitcoin on a centralized exchange but that will defeat the purpose since their can freeze and take your coin on things that are centralized.

I’m not recommending anything, I just giving my opinion on the bitcoin subject.

I read some article, I think last year in 2021 china banned all crypto-currency. If that is true, then all crypto currency transaction became illegal.

So for the people that had crypto currency on a centralized exchanged guess what? Now they can’t trade. Imagine if your career depend on trading.

They only way that the people living there could trade is if they use decentralized trading.

We don’t need to look at china. The world is a big place, and in this day and age there are countries where dictatorships still exist.

You should be glad to be living in the US or Westernized countries where a capitalist system exist or kind of capitalist like some people say. You dodged that bullet.

In the US is more difficult to make crypto-currency illegal.

So even if you go and do the centralized crypto thing, most likely you’ll be find since unlike some other countries in the US People are willing to fight for their freedom. The question is are you willing to take that risk.


Robert Breedlove was talking about how to certain stance is good to have a government.

If you have a property and a group of people wants to take that property, you won’t be able to defend that property by yourself. That’s where government can be helpful and useful.

The physical property rights are defended by the states. So physical things that you own are defended by the state, that’s why is good to live in a civilized society with a government.

But when it comes to money. Currency, in this case bitcoin.

The mining network are the defended of bitcoin. Since the can mine and verified the digital coins.

Monetization shift our incentives

He also goes over about fiat and bitcoin. How monetization shift our incentives.


Think about gold, we produce more gold because there is a demand for it. We have monetized gold. Gold is use as part to exchange and as part for industrial.

So we are incentives to produce more gold. As time passes it appears that gold retain its value as a median of exchange. Although is not convenience for carrying around since it’s heavy and it can easily be stolen.

Gold in a way is a hedge against inflation.

On the other hand,

Fiat currency, incentivize you to take on more debt because inflation erodes the real debt burdens, as time passed fiat currency lost its value.

Fiat is backed by the anticipated future cash flows of the taxing authority. In a way according to this guy if am understanding correctly

Fiat money is backed by coercion and violence by the state. if you don’t pay your taxes, you go to jail for example.

So in a way we have monetized coercion and violence.

On the other hand.

Bitcoin is disrupter of gold and a destroyer of fiat currency.

Disrupter of gold because as value as gold is, it still can be stolen or confiscated.

But decentralized bitcoin, cannot be hack or confiscated. Remember, no key, no money.


Bitcoin is a destroyer of fiat currency. As fiat keep going down, bitcoin keep going up.

Can bitcoin or crypto be stopped?

In order to be able to stop bitcoin you will need to stop the buyers , the sellers, the miners and exchangers. That’s four different entities.

I this point I don’t see how bitcoin can be stop, I think the people has spoken already. The future is cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin is money. You can set up a ledger online or in something as small as a USB storage without showing ID’s, without showing proof to some authority.

You can send some money to yourself from anywhere in the world. Remember P2P technology, you can have multiple wallets.

Crypto has given that ability to people to recognize that they can go any where in the world and no one can take your money.

This is a Superpower

You can lose the ledger or you can lose that USB wallet, and as long as you have memorized the key password or have stored or written down in some save place key password for your wallet.

From any where in the world, You can always get a new ledger. Enter you key password and you recovery your money. your money is save and sound. because only the person with that key has access to that money.

The only bad thing is that if you lose that key password, you money is lose forever. Although one way to protect yourself about this is to have multiple copies of that password in different places.

If this sound like magic to you. Think at it this way.

A blockchain keep a record of all the transactions that has ever being made with bitcoin. You can still be anonymous if you take the necessary measure. But there will be a record that someone has money on that wallet. They just don’t know to who this money belong to.

This is public and open source. so anybody can download the bitcoin core to their computer and create their own wallet.

You use your wallet to connect to this blockchain, the blockchain is just a P2p connection. It’s a bunch of people using computers and it each computer has a record of all the transaction that ever happens in bitcoin.

There more to this , like a full bitcoin node allow you to connect to the blockchain. so you either use someone full node like in an exchange or you create your own. but I won’t got into this so there is no confusion.

The point is that because is crypto, the transaction are protected, so even though if someone know your bitcoin address, they will be able to see and verified that someone has money on that wallet. They just cannot identify to who this wallet belong to if you took the necessary measures.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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