Watch the uncensored moment Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars, drops F-bomb – my opinion on it
Watch the uncensored moment Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars, drops F-bomb – my opinion on it
The slap Chris Rock got for joking about Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith.
There are going to be people that are going to support Chris Rock the American comedian side and there are going to be people that are going to support Will Smith the American actor side.
Regardless of what side you are on, we need to ask ourselves what message does this send to the masses.
We live in a country where you get to criticize the president of the United State of America one of the most powerful people on the planet without consequence of being assaulted thanks to freedom of speech and all.
Yet, In front of so many people Will smith assaulted Chris Rock.
Even if they work it out themselves. Should there be consequence?
Is that ok to slap someone that said something you don’t like at work?
Is that ok to slap someone that say something you don’t like just because you are going through a difficult emotion situation?
To my understanding, the Rule of law does not allow someone to physical assault another human being.
Will Smith apologizes, including an apology to Chris Rock

Will apologized to Chris
“I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong. I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be. There is no place for violence in a world of love and kindness.”
Yes, the smart thing to do is to apology and let the masses know that is not ok to assault someone.
Many people like both of them, Chris Rock and Will Smith.
You know who a lot of people like too, Kevin Samuels. The guy already made a video call “Emasculated Entanglement Syndrome @Will Smith” . Will Just gave people like Kevin a lot of ammunition.
For does of you that don’t know, Emasculate is when a male loses his role by becoming weaker or a male loses his identify.
We live in a world of hierarchy, where people are rank base on their status or authority.
If a police stop you, better follow the rules or it can get ugly, if you want to fight , fight smart in a court of law.
There is hierarchy at your job. Employee take order from team lead, team lead take order from the manager and so on.
If there is ever a war, Men are expected to fight. Women and children get a free ride. And that’s ok, in general men are physically stronger and bigger than women.
It’s not that women can’t fight, any body with a weapon can do bodily harm. It’s just that they are not expected to fight.
This bring us to a Home, Where there is a marriage. The hierarchy goes, Husband > wife > children.
Some people may argue against that but when there is a suspicious sound in the middle of the night, the men are the one that are expected to go and check it out.
There are general expectation for men and women.
For some people, Will Smith lose of control during the Oscars shows how he has being emasculated by his wife Jada Pinkett Smith.
On the other hand, other people might think that he was defending his family as a men should. Which then, will bring us back to assault and consequences.
Either way, we’ll see how the world react.