Want To Make More Money? Don’t Overlook This

If you want to make more money, you need to not overlook this important thing.

First, Money is a medium of exchange. we use money to exchange valuable products and services.

In a society, we have people that know how to obtain food whether its growing it, hunting it or fishing it. Other people know how to build things like houses and another group of people may know how to create clothes.

If someone Specialize in fishing and someone else in creating clothes, it would be quite inconvenience to trade items or Carrie around the items for trade, so that’s where money comes in. People can specialize in something there are good at, and use money for exchange things that they are not good at.

Second, Without value money is Worthless.

Image if you where in a island with 100 million dollars but for some unknow magical reason you were the only human on earth. That 100 million dollars will be useless because you can’t use it for trade. Will you have to do everything.

Therefore, money is just a means to an end.

If you want more money, you just need to create value and exchange it.

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