Reasons to drink lemon water everyday – Starting today

Lemon water have many benefits to the human body, here are some of the reason why you might want to drink lemon water everyday.

It helps your heart

People who drink soda and work sitting down in front of a computer might be able to notice this. I’m one those people. The dam soda is my kryptonite, I can stop drinking for a while. But it just take one soda and I’m back to drinking soda again.

Anyway, I notice sometimes I was sitting down using the computer and I notice my heart rate was up and I might be feeling a little thirsty too. Note, I do drink lots of water even while drinking soda. So, I was not doing anything heavy and my heart rate was up.

That’s not good.

I drank a grass of lemon juice.

No sugar, just lemon and water and my heart rate went back to normal. Quickly in minutes, you can notice your heart going back to normal. I would say like 10 minutes later, my heart is completely back to normal and I am not longer feeling the heart rate up.

I don’t know how healthy or unhealthy you are, but in my case that’s what I notice.

One thing to keep in my, if you decide to drink lemon juice, make sure that you rinse you mouse after you drink it. Because, lemon is acidic and it might eat away the enamel in your teeth.

Also, don’t drink pure lemon, Drink water with lemon.

In my case for example, I usually put half a lemon on a cup of water, mixed it and I drink it fast. Right away, I drink another cup water. Therefore, I am drinking two cup of water with half a lemon. Which make it quite diluted in my body. After that I just rinse my mouse or softly brush my teeth.

It help with weight loss

It might help with weight lose, drinking lemon water lower insulin. Which minimize insulin resistance. And as many of us know, sugar make you fat. Yeah, I said it, sugar make you fat! Lower your sugar intake or do things that minimize all that sugar and You’ll lose weight.

It helps with anti aging effect

If you go to the supermarket, some supermarket has the lemons on the vegetable area and other have it on the fruit area.

Whether it is consider a fruit or a vegetable. This citrus fruit is such at marvelous gift from mother earth. It has vitamin C, It has Antioxidant for the skin and gums. It help your friendly bacteria in your body.

That’s right, we have good and bad bacteria in our body. So, we should help the good bacteria as much as we can, and don’t help the bad bacteria.

I know some of you don’t care now about aging, but just you wait until you see in the mirror some of those wrinkles coming out!

It has vitamins C

I know, I just mention it above during anti aging, but just in case you missed it. It’s here in bold. Vitamins C is necessary for repair, development and growth of all body tissues.

Thing to notice, Vitamin C is,

How do I put this? oh, I know

Vitamin C is really weak to heat, and it could easily get destroy. Because it’s water soluble. If you cook it with high temperature the effect will be minimum. That’s why is best to use actual lemons or pure organic lemon bottled.

Not that preheated lemon package products. Not that preheated lemon bottled.

so, is better to go super natural.

anyway, let’s continue.

It helps minimize cholesterol

It might helps minimize cholesterol level, which improve cardiovascular health.

It might help with cancel, since it has anticancer effects

You see, let’s keep it simple, cancel like acidic places. You body try to do the best it can to regulate the pH in your body. However, with all the crap that people put in their body, such as SUGAR. The body has to work extra hard to bring that pH into balance.

Therefore, sugar make pH more acidic.

On the other hand.

Lemon make pH more alkaline.


I Know it makes no sense. However, Just bare with me.

Lemon , even though it’s acidic. Once it goes into the body, and it’s metabolized, the byproduct is alkaline.

And it’s harder for cancel cell to thrive in alkaline place.

Things to notice, I am not saying that it cure cancel. I am saying, it make it harder for cancel cells to thrive. This is just my opinion base on my knowledge. You should always do your own research.

It’s beneficial to the liver

The liver like many part of the body has fat. Drinking lemon water may help reduce the fat in the liver. Hence, a fit liver does a better job than a fat liver.

It helps with Phytonutrients

This dam Scientifics and their weird names. Why can’t they just name things easy so that the masses of people can understand and remember.

This is a toughie one.

I think I have a good analogy.

You see how antioxidant are great for the human body because it help the body with infections, bacteria, anti-fungus, antiaging, etc. Basically antioxidants help the human immune system work better. I just saying that to keep short. Otherwise, I start talking and talking.

Well, phytonutrients does the same thing but for plants. It help protect the plants. It makes the plants immune system strong.

Therefore, when human eat the plant. In this case, the lemon. The phytonutrients protect human from disease effect. Remember, it’s a healthy lemon you eating. That’s basically how you get the anti-disease effect.

Yes, I think, I nailed the explanation.

It might help with kidney stones

I love distilled water by the way.

But, have you even hear people saying that if you drink distilled water, it would drain your minerals? It’s because your minerals bind with the distilled water.

Well, kind of similar thing. You see, calcium oxalate kidney stone bind with citrus from the lemons which in term prevent the kidney stone from forming in the first place.

Here another analogy, Kidney stone is like piece of calcium binding together to form a big stone. Now, just think about the lemon citrus grabbing those pieces of stones and saying you are not welcome here bad stone, I’m taking you with me out of the body.

And little by little, piece by piece, the stones are remove from the kidney.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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