
Things I Wish I knew earlier

Focus on two thing, physical health and financial wealth. Everything else will falls into place as time passes.

Focus on being physical healthy

Focus on being physical healthy. Everything we do requires energy. Even sleep which is suppose to allow your body to rest, requires energy.

By focusing on physical health your body will be healthy, bigger, stronger, faster.

You most likely have more confidence since when you look yourself in the mirror what you see is pleasant.

People might see you more attractive. Some people will think twice before messing up with you.

You will have more self control since being physical healthy requires you to respect and care for your body.

Focus on building financially wealthy

Focus on building financial wealth. Being wealthy allow you to do things that normally you would not be able to do. With financial wealth you can buy your time. With financial wealth you can buy your freedom.

If you are not financially wealthy, most likely you are a slave and you are probably not even aware of it.

Human is the dominating specie on this planet called earth.

Anything that is not a human can be called a thing.

Human love control.

When a human control other human is called power.

When a human control things is called wealth.

Money is a median of exchange. Its purpose is to allow human to transfer wealth from one person to another.

Physical health and financial wealth

As a human, focusing on physical health and financial wealth will make any other goal a bonus. Having these two, will give you a competitive advantage over 90% of the human population.

People try to have the ability to speak better, write better, communicate better, to be more confidence, more attractive. When in reality you only need to focus on two things, Physical health and financial wealth.

With physical health and financial wealth.

You don’t have to try to become confidence, you are confidence.

You don’t have to chase a partner. They chase you in masses since you have something they want.

You have physical health which make you attractive, people tend to gravitate toward pleasantry.


You have financial wealth which shows that you have resources that people want.

Everything else is just a bonus

Everything beside physical health and financial wealth is just a bonus that will help you navigate through this journey called life.

Don’t lie, ever. If you are force to lie, It is better to withhold information or stay quite instead

When you lie, you have to lie more in order to keep up with the lie. lying consume more energy. lying causes stress.

When you tell the truth. You don’t have to remember what you said before because it’s just the true. Therefore, you use less energy and you don’t have to stress about it.

Good debt vs Bad debt

It’s better to avoid debt. However, if you are going to get debt is better to get good debt than bad debt.

Good debt is when you buy assets with loans or with credit or with other people’s money. And that asset make you money. That asset, it make you enough money that you are in profit.

Bad debt is anything that you buy with credit that does not make you money.

Learn to say no to yourself and others

Leaning to say no to yourself and others will make life easier and less stressful, since you don’t have to do something that you don’t want to do.

It also will allow you to make better decisions. Since you are telling the truth, most likely you will know what is beneficial or not to your body.

For example,

John was eating healthy. John decided to visit his childhood friend Steven that live 3 hours away. Steven decided to visit his mother that live 10 minutes away and show her how much john has changed.

Steven’s mother Laura is happy to see john, her son’s friend. She remember how john’s used to love her food and decided to prepare some food for him and her son.

Since John changed his eating habits to a more healthy lifestyle, he is not longer eating the type of food that Laura cook. He says no, thank you, I am ok.

Laura insisted. Steven pull john aside and tells john are you going to disrespect his mother’s food.

John’s feels bad and ended eating Laura’s food.

The moral is the story, even when you have the best of friends, you have to learn to say no with integrity. John’s ended up breaking his integrity to himself and others.

And this putting it mildly, there are many situation where people get into trouble for not saying the word no and sticking to it.

The world change constantly, keep and open mind

The world is changing constantly so keep a open mind. What works today, may not works tomorrow.

Learn to Listen

Learn to listen, it can help you in many aspect of your life.

We tend to want to impose our reality on others. This lead to us not listening and want to speak.

That’s it

Take a calculated risk.

Start and adjust as you go.

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