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What’s better than a habit?

We all know how useful a beneficial habit can be. This thought came to my mind, what could be better than a habit? I started searching the web by terms like “what’s more powerful than a habit”?, “what’s better than a habit”?, “better than a habit”?, “better than a beneficial habit”? and so on.

I’m sorry to tell you this, but in the information age, where we have access to huge amount of information , I spent almost a hour looking for different terms to find what could be better than a habit.

I could not find any information, I tried searching with exact match and without it, and I still could not find any information.

I try many combination such as

  • “more powerful than a habit”
  • “more powerful than habit”
  • “more useful than a habit”
  • “more useful than habit”
  • “more beneficial than a habit”
  • “more beneficial than habit”
  • “powerful than a habit”
  • “powerful than habit”
  • “better than a habit”
  • “better than habit”
  • “better than a good habit”

and so on.

I could not find any information on something that could be better than a habit.


With the search “better than habits” found some results.

Found : Why rituals are better than habits, for some reason Tony Robbins came to mind

Found: Why routines are better than habits

This brings us to

What’s the deference between habits, routines and rituals?


Habits are repeated or consistent actions you do that are hard to give up. Habits happens automatically. Habits could be good or bad for you. You could be ware or not aware of your habits. Habits happen with little or no effort.

Habits are trigger by a cues. A cue could be a picture, image of something or a state of mind such a boredom.

Once a cue is trigger you get the automatic urge to do something like drinking soda, eating that food, smoking a cigarette.

A habit happen happen like this, Cue –>action –> reward, rinse and repeat.

Cue is the image or state of mind that trigger the action, like boredom.

Action is the thing you actually do , like going to the refrigerator.

Reward is the thing you get after performing the action , such as drinking the soda can.


Routines are consistent actions you do but there are intentional, like going to gym, or making your bed in the morning. Routines require effort, they require intention from you, otherwise you will stop doing it.

If you manage to keep a routine for long enough eventually it could become a habit.

A routine happen like this, Cue –>routine –> reward, rise and repeat.


Rituals for some reason sound like religious or spiritual to me, and once again Tony Robbins comes to mind, the image shaman come to mind too. Rituals supposedly, you are suppose to be more focus on the experience rather than the action or rather than just completing the task.

I have being reading a few blogs and videos on rituals. People just keep confusing me more, it’s so vague. So I went and search for the definition of rituals.

This is what came to understand.

A ritual is a religious or community or tradition ceremony that is performed in a prescribed order. So I guess rituals does not have to be religious and it does not have to be spiritual.

You can use the mind to body experience.


Rituals are like routines the difference is that routines are focus on completing the task at hand whether you like or not since it suppose to be beneficial to you. Basically in routines the actions just need to be done.

While rituals are focus more on the experience, on how you feel, the sensation of you body and mind, the emotions. Rituals are suppose to be more meaningful to you, there are suppose to have a sense of purpose to it.

So, someone might guess ritual and routines are the same thing. The main difference it’s your attitude toward it.

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