Financial Freedom And Time Freedom

Most of us want financial freedom and time freedom. Here is a roadmap.

  1. Physical health and peace of mind
  2. Obtain principal or capital
  3. Protect principal or capital
  4. Growth principal or capital
  5. Live off a portion of the interest that is generated by the principal or capital, the other portion reinvested to allow the principal or capital to grow even more.
  6. When your time is up on this planet, automatically transfer your wealth to your financially educated next generation.

Congruency is the link between the the above steps.

Most of us know that drinking water is beneficial for our physical health. Therefore, drinking water is being congruent. The opposite, drinking Soda is not being congruent.

Most of us know that Investing in assets that generate positive cash flow is beneficial for increasing your wealth. Therefore, buying profitable assets is being congruent. The opposite, buying liabilities is not being congruent.

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