Improve your skills and constantly get better

If want to be healthy or wealthy, all have to do is start the journey. Improve your skills and constantly get better. If life doesn’t end, You will eventually get there. You may want to stop overthinking, take a calculated risk, start and adjust as you go.

People like to compete and be the best.

You don’t have to be the best, just do one step better than the next person.

You don’t have to compete. You may want to stop following the masses. At the moment 8 in 10 Americans are in debt. This means that around 80% of the US population are in debt. 80% of the US population have some kind of consumer debt.

Minimize your consumption and start producing. Start creating stuff.

You should start improving your skills and constantly get better. Just do one step better than the next person.

For example:

Let’s say that you want to become wealthy.

Even though there are so many websites. The reality is that most people won’t create a website to make money. By you creating a website you are doing a step better than most people.

Even though there are so many videos. The reality most people don’t like to be on camera, therefore, most people won’t be on camera, by you create videos with you in it, you are doing a step better than most people.

Let say that you want to send traffic to a product of service. Most people get free traffic and not paid traffic. By you doing paid traffic as well, you are doing one step better than most people.

Let’s keep really simple.

Look at water.

That’s right, I mean that colorless, odorless, tasteless and transparent inorganic chemical substance called water.

Water have so many physical benefits.

Water pros

  • It regulate your body temperature.
  • It protect your joints.
  • It protect your tissues.
  • It protect your spinal cord.
  • It helps create saliva.
  • It helps with constipation.
  • It helps excrete waste through urination.
  • It helps excrete waste through perspiration.
  • It helps excrete waste through defection.
  • It help with food digestion.
  • It helps dissolve nutrients
  • It helps dissolve minerals.
  • It helps dissolve vitamins.
  • It helps your brain.
  • It helps your heart.
  • If you can think of any part of the body, water most likely has a benefit for it.

Water Cons

  • Overhydration that’s when people drink too much water

Even when people know all the benefit that water have for the body. Yet most people don’t drink enough water. By you drinking enough water, you are one step further than most people when it comes to health.


The same thing with exercises. There are so many type of exercises, juga, swimming, running, calisthenics, you name it. There are so many benefits that exercise has, you can probably think of a few of them. Yet most people just won’t exercise.

The civilize and convenience of the first world county has turned my fellow Americans into into fat people.

According to an article from the Washington post base on CDC data, about 74% of adults in the U.S. are overweight. Here is the source.

74% of adults are overweight. This mean almost 3 in 4 adults you see are fat.

I won’t sugarcoat it by saying overweight. Most adults in the U.S are fat.

Look at the Japanese people for example. Some may say that Japanese people are so slim because of their genes.

I am going to have to respectfully disagree with that.

Just compare the small size of the portion of the Japanese food that are serve to people and the massive size of the portion of food in the U.S that are serve to people. Or try comparing the kind of food that people eat.

The difference in food and lifestyle is eye opening.

Beneficial decisions

Hope, you are getting the point, Just one step further than the next person.

You may want to start asking yourself, is this action or activity or decision beneficial or not. Is this an asset or liability. If it’s an asset or if it’s beneficial continue improving on it. If it is not then you may want get rid of it or replace it.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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