Wasting time vs investing time

Wasting time vs investing time. When you waste time there is no beneficial reward to your life in society. When you invest time there some kind of beneficial return to your life in society.

There has to be some kind of balance. Anything taken to the extreme there is going to be some kind of bad consequence.

With anything you do, there is a change that you become addicted to that activity. However, I rather be addicted to a beneficial activity than to a no beneficial activity.


If you were to take to the extreme activities that waste time, most likely the outcome is going to be disastrous. To the point where your love ones may suffer and your physical body may deteriorate.

If you were to take to the extreme activities that invest time, most likely the outcome is going to be a bigger reward. To the point where your love ones may end up better off and your physical body may achieve some new break through.

Once again, anything that is taken to the extreme, there is probably going to be a bad consequence. But if you going be addicted to something may as well let it be beneficial.

Investing time

When you invest time there some kind of beneficial reward or return to your life in society.

  • Improving yourself
  • Networking with others
  • watching beneficial courses
  • Testing new things
  • Working on a side hustle
  • Taking care of your health
  • Taking care of your wealth
  • Taking care of your relationships

Wasting time

When you waste time there is no beneficial reward to your life in society.

  • Spending time with unhealthy friends
  • Playing video games
  • just watching Netflix
  • Just watching YouTube
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Complaining

I can imagine some people in the wasting time category. Like some people that play video games are going to make some excuse and find some kind of benefit to it.

Well, it’s a good thing to be positive, but that doesn’t change reality.

look at PewDiePie for example a Swedish YouTube channel, is estimated that that he’s net worth is 40 million dollars. That’s pretty good.


The reality is that less than 1% of Youtubers make money!

Some people argue that base on the estimated metric is any where between 0.25% to 0.3%! Whatever the case is. The point is that, if you were in control, would you still gamble where your chances of losing is about 99%?

Of course not!

So, going back to investing time. We all have habits and addictions. Even the act of just thinking could become an addition.

However is much better to invest time in beneficial thing because in the scenario that you become addicted to it, you’ll gain some kind of benefit from it.

That’s it.

Now, adjust and start as you go.

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