You become good at what ever it is that you practice

You become good at what ever it is that you practice. Whether, it is thinking, eating, playing, making money, physical training, investing, distraction… you name it. Whether that thing you practice is good or bad. The more you practice the better you get at it.

Do you want to be good at investing. Take a calculated risk and just start. Eventually you’ll not longer be a beginner, then you will not longer be average, then you will not longer be intermedia, then you will not longer be an expert.

I hope you see were we are going with this. this can be apply to almost anything.

because of the “Law of practice” which state that the reaction time for a particular task decrease as the number of practice increases.

In other words, if it take you 8 hours to make a YouTube video. The more videos you make. The faster you get a making videos.

That’s it.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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