YouTube removed the dislike button?

YouTube removed the dislike button? update, dislike count will be private.

New update, The YouTube dislike button will remain, But the dislike count will be private across YouTube.


YouTube removed dislike button

In my option, this is not a smart move of YouTube.

YouTube wants to promote respectful interaction between creators and viewers.

That’s a great idea but a horrible implementation.


Let’s use some common sense.

There is a fierce competition between creators of all sizes and backgrounds. This move may help small creators get bigger because their videos are not being dislike.

However, the viewers get screw.


Viewers go to YouTube to watch videos. Tittles, thumbnails and video length compel the views to click the videos. After that, viewers do either watch the video, watch the likes and dislikes, read comments or the viewers do some kind of mixture of it.

Now this is how silly this implementation is.

You wouldn’t click on a hour video when you just want to watch 3-10 minutes video. Imagine if YouTube were to remove the length of the video. How would you know?

Same thing with Likes and Dislikes.

When a lot of people likes a video, this mean that there is something on the video that a lot of people like, therefore, it must be worth to watch.

When there is a lot of dislike in a video, this mean that there is something on the video that a lot of people dislike, so it must not be worth to watch.

Just common sense.

If YouTube remove the dislike count, how would the the viewers know the this video is worth the watch?

It appears that viewer are not benefiting from this change.

Who is this change beneficial for?

  • Small creators because it help their channel, can start to make money or can make more money.
  • Advertisers, can make more money
  • YouTube, they make more money.

Who is this change not beneficial for?

  • Viewers, because viewers are the one that consume stuff. Viewers are the one that just shut up and keep watching videos and buying stuffs.

That’s why monopoly companies are bad for the consumer. They literally can do whatever they want. When thing like this happen, if people were to start to move to another platform, they would think twice before doing a shenanigan like this.

This remind me of certain utilities companies that provide service in an area. Like the only company that provide internet service, or electric service or gas service in an area. So you only have two options, stay and put up with it or move from the area.

Before anyone bring up that there are alternative to YouTube.


Just look at YouTube Market share.

Anyway, let’s continue before I get off topic.


YouTube removed dislike button 2

Of course, is the right thing to do for the platform!

What about the viewers?

Ok, Lets be fair to YouTube.

Let’s the viewers decide what they think about this change. Look at the dislike count compare to the like count in this image bottom right so far.

YouTube removed dislike button 3

If this is not anti consumer, I guess I just don’t know what it is.

Guys, common sense.

If you want to buy something online, what’s the first thing that you do?

Most likely you are going to go online to the search engine and do some research first, You probably type the Name of product review or something around that line.

Well, YouTube is removing the ability for the consumers to fast and easy spot bad videos, scam videos, Misleading videos and so on.

I can go on but I hope you get the point that this harm the viewers.

Source : An update to dislike to YouTube

That’s it.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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