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Apartment neighbor alarm clock left on for hours

There is this neighbor that alarm clock go off and keep going off for about one hour or more everyday. Imagine, if you were in that situation.

What would you do if your neighbor’s alarm clock keep beeping on every day, 7 days per week.

  • Would you knock on the neighbor’s door?
  • Leave a note on the neighbor’s door?
  • Report the noise disturbance to the landlord?
  • Call the police?
  • report it to the noise authorities?
  • Sue the person?
  • Get your very own annoying alarm clock and do the same back to the neighbor?
  • Would you do something in retaliation that no normal human being should not be even thinking?

There could be many reason why this is happening. Some of these reason maybe :

  • The neighbor may have really deep sleep and may not really hear the alarm. Therefore, the neighbor may proceed to sleep for one hour or more.
  • The neighbor maybe doing it on purpose in order to annoy you.
  • The neighbor may be unaware of it.
  • The neighbor maybe inconsiderate and don’t care.
  • Maybe the complex/apartment wall are so thin, that you can hear everything.

Human like peace and quiet, people like to live with the freedom and tranquility from disturbance. Yet, there are a few individuals that mess it up for the rest of us.

Is like they don’t know the meaning of coexistence in society.

Is like they push and push until things escalate to the point of no return.

Then you both miserable since someone could end up in jail or worse.

What if there is not anything you can do about it?

Solution :

The real solution is to focus on physical health and financial wealth.

This is one of the reason why your second main priority in life is ought to be financial freedom.

Some people say that money doesn’t bring you happiness. Human history has shown time and time again that this statement is disingenuous at best.

Having financial wealth will solve most of the problems that you could ever have.

The world human live in is base on money. Having enough money to do anything you want will solve most the problem that you could ever have. This’s is the truth.

If you have assets that generate you money, you simple move to a much better place, to a much better area or you just build a sound proof place.

You don’t have to deal with unempathetic individuals.

If you don’t have enough money you are stuck, and have to deal with these unwanted situations. You choices are very limited when you are poor or have not enough money or do not have financial wealth.

My sympathy goes out to any human that has to deal with those unruly individuals.

You ought to start your financial freedom journey today. If you already started then don’t give up.

Heaven on earth is possible.

It’s possible to get to a point and situation in your financial journey where you have a pleasant and a enjoyable place of your own.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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