Can’t Shut off your Brain? Here Is A Solution

Can’t shut off your brain? Can’t turn off your mind? Here is a beneficial solution I found.

I notice that no matter what I do, I just couldn’t stop thinking. My awareness just go wondering from a thing to another in my mind.

I thought to myself. If I can’t turn it off, may as well get something from it. So, I started listing to podcast or listening to YouTube videos with the monitor display turn off.

While on bed I put on a comfortable sleep headset I bought specifically for sleeping so I can move around on bed without hurting my ears.

I put the volume on low and usually listen to beneficial things. Like affirmations for health, wealth and happiness, sleep hypnosis, philosophy like Alan watts for some reason this man voice make me fall sleep. or I listen to Sadhguru.

Or listen to Positive things that I can learn something from it.

This Is What I Notice.

This is what I notice, by the time the video or podcast was done, I was already sleeping.

I think the body learn and adapt quickly because some times as soon as put the headset on my body go into sleep mode. I can’t barely keep my awareness on even though I really want to listen to the interesting podcast or video.

Once the video or podcast is done the computer goes into sleep mode after while automatically. Since the Sleep headset is wireless it turn off automatically too.

Sometime while listing to the same thing days after day my awareness in my mind kind of got use to it and started fighting trying to go wondering again to something else even though the video or podcast was playing.

Found A Solution To This Too

When my awareness start wondering off even though the video or podcast was playing. I Just find something else, something interesting that I wanted to listen to. Once again I started to falling sleep without noticing.

Beside getting a good night sleep, there are many other benefits, I gotten from doing this or at least this contributed.

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