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Feeling lost? Use the power of One to your benefit

If you are feeling lost, do not despair. Where you are currently at is a singular point in your life journey. What’s really important is where you are going.

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Feeling lost? Use the power of One to your benefit

The future you is going to be either better than where you are right now or worse. That’s up to you to decide what’s going to be, you can do that right now, right this instant.

With Any choice that you are going to make just ask yourself, if this is beneficial or not.

If is not, avoid it, you don’t need it.

If it is beneficial, then welcome it with open mind.

In time, your every moment to moment choices will compound and you will be much better off if you have being making beneficial decisions or worse off if you have not.


No matter what, one year from now there will be consequences. Whether they are positive or negative that’s at to you to decided, you can do that right now, this instant.


Is common knowledge that drinking water has many benefits. Yet many people drink anything else but water.

Right now , in this instant that you reading this post, You mind is focus on doing the beneficial things, you might forget later on and move on to something else but right now your mind is focus on doing the beneficial things.

How do I know?

Because you are reading this post.

As soon as you got this knowledge one beneficial thing will be to just go and drink one or two glasses of water. Your body will thank you for it since it would function better.

Also, in a year from now, you are already consume one to two glasses of water. If you keep consuming water everyday, the effect compound in the long run.


Some people do not exercise at all. It’s common knowledge that some type of physical activity is healthy for the physical body.

Since you mind is focus on doing the beneficial thing since you are reading this post, The beneficial thing to do is go and do one push-up or one sit-up or one-squat.

Just one?

Yes just one.

You see, just one should take you a few seconds to do. In the scale from one to ten the difficulty level is one. So not doing it is base on choice, not on difficulty level.

But what just one is gong to do?

not much, but one is better than none.

now if you decided to do one everyday, in a year that’s around 365 push up.

Let’s do some calculations

  • 1 every day is around 365 push up per year
  • 2 every day is around 730 push up per year
  • 3 every day is around 1095 push up per year
  • 4 every day is around 1460 push up per year
  • 5 every day is around 1825 push up per year
  • 10 every day is around 3650 push up per year
  • 20 every day is around 7300 push up per year

You see how in a year, small simple things can compound to big things.

Let’s do the same calculation but with saving money

  • $1 every day is around $365 saved up per year
  • $2 every day is around $730 saved up per year
  • $3 every day is around $1095 saved up per year
  • $4 every day is around $1460 saved up per year
  • $5 every day is around $1825 saved up per year
  • $10 every day is around $3650 saved up per year
  • $20 every day is around $7300 saved up per year

If you were to say the first $20 dollars you earn is yours to keep, so you do whatever you have to do to save these $20 dollars everyday. You could do any amount, I just picked $20 for this example, in an year from now you will be $7300 richer than now.

and if you decided to invest it in a dividend eft that pays around 10% per year, that amount will be even greater.

This is not financial advice, just my opinion, At this particular point, I like JEPI.

WE can apply the same analogy or metaphor to almost anything that is beneficial to you.


Just 1 of anything, doing it everyday will compound to around 365. One year from now of doing something everyday by then this will has become a habit.

Some time you might do more or less, the important thing is to do at least one.

Final thoughts

The future you is going to be either better than where you are right now or worse. That’s up to you to decide what’s going to be, you can do that right now, right this instant.

So just start doing one rep or more everyday, of anything that you find beneficial. Doing so will make you wealthy or healthy or both.

Best of luck

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