How to do what’s beneficial to you, even when you don’t feel like doing it.

Today is one of those days when the body is fighting you. Usually, I have an amazing day but yesterday I felt asleep on the wrong side of the sofa. It must have being like 4 am or 5 am. Well, I guess today, I felt asleep on the sofa since it was just a few hours ago.

I actually, I really thought that I had sleep like 8 hours. But oh no, its only being a few hours.

Oh, the body hurt.

I know, I should have not being going to sleep so late but it was out of my control. There were things that need to be done. This is a lesson to better prepare my self.

My eyes feel hard and my body really warm. I actually kind of wake up multiple times or probably I was dreaming that I wake up multiple times. I should have gone to the bed but no, I was so tired I just stay day.

Just a moment, I’ll be back.

Ok, I’m back. Where was I?

Oh ,yeah, my eyes.

Actually, I am already feeling better.

I drank more water than usual , to get that oxygen pumping inside my body.

Also, my eyes are going back to normal. They were really red, when I waked up and look at the mirror not long ago.

Also ,I must had really waked up in the wrong side of the sofa, the body pain is almost completely gone.

Let me see,… I feel just a little be of mild pain on one of my thigh, it probably will go away once I start moving again.

Oh, by the way, I am already dressed up. When I stopped typing not long ago and I went away before, I dressed up.

You see, I still don’t want to go out, but by putting cloths on, it prepares the body.

Some time, we waste time thinking, when in reality you just need to do. To just start, to just take action, and the momentum will follow.

Actually, the hardest part is not doing what needs to be done. The hardest part is just starting.

Anyway, I have to go, remember, just start and momentum will follow.

By the way really quick, if you are interested in blogging just start, this quick blog that I writing now it won’t post until many days in the future.

That’s the beauty of blogging, you can write something today and schedule it for the future.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Start and adjust as you go.

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