
Truism is a statement that is obviously true.

We can use reasoning to find out if truism make sense or not.

If someone were to tell you that if you were to tell the truth all the time then you wouldn’t have to remember anything.

This make sense for this reason.

If you were to tell a lie then you will have to remember what lie you told. You will have to remember who you told that lie to. You will have to remember the place you told the lie. There are many details that is involve when telling a lie.

Therefore, telling a lie, require a massive amount of effort and energy. When you tell a lie in order to keep your story straight, you have to keep telling more lies.

Telling lies is an inefficient way of life.

If you really think about it. It take way more effort to tell a lie than to tell the truth.

When you are having a conversation with someone. If you tell the truth you would not have to make up any excuses.

Telling the truth is simple and straight forward.


Absolutism mean that something is absolute truth or absolute false.

So, let’s keep in mind not to confuse truism with absolutism.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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