You can not fix what you can not face!

When you have a problem. In order for the problem to be fix, you ought to be able to face the problem.

If you choose not to face the problem, this would lead to even more problems. Not only would the problem most likely would not fix itself but it would also cause you a lot of unnecessary stress.

Take debt for example.

Some people owe so much money that they choose not to even look at the debt. Some say that they don’t know what to do and this cause them anxiety etc.

Guess what?

If you can’t pay, you just don’t pay. This may sound silly but you can’t pay money that you don’t have.

What you don’t do is hide and avoid facing the debt.

For what ever the reason , if you already made the mistake of getting into debt. The best thing to do is to stop taking more debt and try to resolve the current debt you have.

I used debt as an example but this could apply to almost any problems. In order to fix the problem, you ought to be able to face the problem.

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