12 things that poor people do that the rich don’t

12 things that poor people do that the rich don’t: We’ve all heard the old saying, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” While there’s certainly truth to that, it’s not entirely because of luck or chance. In fact, there are certain habits and behaviors that are more common among those who struggle financially. On the flip side, there are also behaviors that are more common among the wealthy.

12 things that poor people do that the rich don't

12 things that poor people do that the rich don’t

So, if you’re looking to increase your chances of financial success, take note of these 12 things that poor people do that the rich don’t.

#1 Procrastinate

Poor people often put things off until the last minute. This can lead to missed opportunities and even financial disasters. The rich, on the other hand, are proactive and take action quickly.

#2 Blame others

Poor people tend to blame their problems on external factors, such as the economy, their boss, or their upbringing. The rich, however, take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

#3 Focus on the short-term

Poor people often focus on immediate gratification, such as buying things they can’t afford or indulging in unhealthy habits. The wealthy, on the other hand, have a long-term focus and prioritize saving and investing.

#4 Settle for less

Poor people often settle for less in life, whether it’s a low-paying job or a subpar living situation. The rich, on the other hand, strive for excellence and are willing to take risks to achieve their goals.

#5 Ignore opportunities

Poor people often miss out on opportunities because they don’t recognize them or are too afraid to take a chance. The wealthy, on the other hand, are always on the lookout for opportunities and are quick to take advantage of them.

#6 Spend impulsively

Poor people often spend money impulsively, whether it’s on a fancy meal or a new outfit. The wealthy, on the other hand, are mindful of their spending and make purchases based on their needs, not their wants.

#7 Live beyond their means

Poor people often live beyond their means, racking up credit card debt and struggling to make ends meet. The rich, on the other hand, live below their means and prioritize saving and investing.

#8 Watch TV excessively

Poor people often spend a lot of time watching TV, which can be a form of escapism. The wealthy, on the other hand, are more likely to spend their free time learning new skills or networking.

#9 Neglect their health

Poor people often neglect their health, either because they can’t afford to take care of themselves or because they don’t see the value in it. The wealthy, on the other hand, prioritize their health and wellness, knowing that it’s essential for their long-term success.

#10 Surround themselves with negative people

Poor people often surround themselves with negative people who bring them down. The wealthy, on the other hand, surround themselves with positive, supportive individuals who encourage and inspire them.

#11 Give up easily

Poor people often give up when faced with challenges or setbacks. The wealthy, on the other hand, persevere and keep working towards their goals, even in the face of adversity.

#12 Lack a sense of purpose

Poor people often lack a sense of purpose or direction in life, which can make it difficult to achieve success. The wealthy, on the other hand, have a clear sense of purpose and are driven to succeed.


In conclusion, these are just a few of the many differences between the habits and behaviors of the poor and the wealthy. While there’s no guarantee that adopting these habits will make you rich, they can certainly increase your chances of financial success.

So, if you’re looking to improve your financial situation, start by taking a closer look at your habits and behaviors and see where you can make some positive changes.

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