Concept is different than execution when it comes to making money
Concept is an abstract idea while execution is the act of taking action. In this post we are going to go over how making money is simple so any body can get rich if they wanted to but is not easy.

Concept is different than execution when it comes to making money
Getting rich is simple but it not easy, Here is why.
Concept is an abstract idea, meaning that it exist only in thoughts. Therefore, it does not have a physical form, it does not have a concrete existence.
If you want to lose weight, just stop eating. The human body consume certain amount of calories every day to maintain its current weight. Therefore, if it’s not getting the require amount of calories it has to lose weight.
This is consider a concept because you know what to do. It’s a simple thing to do. Almost any body can understand this without any trouble.
But it’s not easy
It’s not easy to do. Just because it’s simple, it does not mean that you are going to be able to do it. You can know that something is beneficial for you but you are not going to do it.
Just like drinking water, many people conceptually know that drinking water has many benefit for them, yet they barely drink any water.
So It’s simple but not easy to do.
The same apply to making money, making money is simple but not easy to do. You see the day have 24 hours.
You can work 2 to 3 jobs, 7 days per week or you can have a job and start a business on the side. With the extra income that you get, you can invest it to allow it to compound. But most people won’t do it.
Conceptually managing your money is the wise thing to do yet most people do not do it.
Execution is carrying out an action. This mean that you have to actually do something.
If you want to lose weight, and you are taking action by eating less food than your body need to maintain its weight then you start losing weight every day. Even thought this is not easy to do, Since you are doing it, you are seeing results. Therefore, it’s simple.
A good example of this, it is impossible to do water fasting and not lose weight. If you are doing water fasting the body does not have the necessary calories to maintain its current weight, so it loses weight.
The same thing can be say about getting rich.
We already know that all we need to do is expend less than what we earned and invest the rest into income producing assets. Whether you do it by having multiple jobs or having side business or both.
As long as you are doing it, You eventually will get rich. How fast this happen is up to you.
Final thought
You might want to use concept to understand something and execute to get the results. If you want to get rich, execute by expending less than what you earned and invest the rest into income producing assets.
Something that it gong to bring you money every month, something that bring you cashflow.
It’s important that the asset bring you income every month because with this income you can use it to either pay some bills or to reinvest it into more income producing assets.
Same with losing weight, I like fasting, not easy to do but simple, and you see results right away, so this motivate you to keep going.
Best of luck