Dreams are one of the ways that your body communicate with the conscious part of you.

Dreams are one of the ways that your body communicate with the conscious part of you: From personal experiences, I’m convince that dreams are a way that the body communicate with the conscious part of us.

How come you are able to hold your urine while you sleep?

The reason that you are able to hold your urine while you sleep is because you have being condition to do so.

Some where around your life when you were growing up, you were train to not wet your bed. It’s being ingrained in us so much that we just don’t do it.

You brain uses unpleasant memories to wake you up

The body subconsciously hold your urine while you are sleeping. When it gets to a point where the body has too much urine and needs to excrete it from the body. You wake up.

Since wetting your bed is not suppose to be an option.

If the body needs to excrete the urine but you are sleeping what you brain does, it access an array of unpleasant memories and start showing it to you until it gets so unpleasant that you just has to wake up and that’s when you notice that you need to go to the bathroom.

Sometime people might wake and notice that even though they need to go to the bathroom is not so unpleasant that they are able to hold it for longer and just stay in bed. Even though this may affect the quality of their sleep.

Sleep cycles

Supposedly, the human body needs 4 to 6 sleep cycles per every 24 hours. A sleep cycles is suppose to be around 90 minutes long.

There are four stage on a sleep cycle.

  • Stage one, you are falling asleep
  • Stage two, you felt sleep
  • Stage three, you are in deep sleep, this is when some people can get slap, they just don’t wake up.
  • Stage four you are in the process of waking up, this is where dream state happens.

Final thoughts

The human body is quite complex there is still a lot that we don’t know. We do know that there is a conscious part us that has awareness and there is a subconscious part of us that take care of things when the conscious is not paying attention.

There is also third body of us that is call the unconscious, this is the part that is totally automatically, like blood flow that happens whether you are conscious or subconscious.

Every person is unique, and only you know what really happens in your body.

Since humans have the ability to share with one another. When enough people have similar experiences, we can conclude that dreams are one of the ways that the body communicate with the conscious part of us.

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