Earning more money is better than Frugality
When you think about it, being frugal is kind of a privilege in certain places and situations. Is better to focus most of your energy in earning more money.

There are people that live in the USA. New York for example, is a really expensive place to live in. Some people my have gotten suck into the student loan legal scam.
Why do I called it that?
Because you can’t file for bankruptcy, they are there almost for life.
You might ask you would they take student loans?
My answer to that is when you are young and financially uneducated if the norm was to go to college and take an absurd amount of loans to get a degree that you might not use, then that’s what most young people would do.
Imagine someone that have being dependent on their parents their whole young like, suddenly go to college and now they have to pay bills or take care of themselves with student loans.
Is like having an unlimited credit card that you don’t get to pay every month.
Eventually, you graduate or I hope that you graduate since some people never finished college.
Yes, fellas, as silly as this may sound, you can run out of students loan money before you graduate and not graduate for financial reasons
So, now you are here with a huge amount of debt that you might never get to pay in full because the income that you are generating compare to the debt that you own is heartbreaking.
You do you best you can to be as frugal as possible but you soon realized that with frugality there is limit on how much you can cut your expenses.
Earning more money is better than Frugality
This leave us with one choice which is to increase your income.
Because there is no limit on how much you can earn.
If you focus most of your energy in increasing your income, when you make enough money that would solve most of your money problem.