For a problem there is always a better solution
For a problem there is is always a bad solution, a good solution and a better solution.

Problem solving skill
In order to get the better solution, we ought to learn a special yet many time ignore skill. Known as a problem solving skill. So we out to learn how to solve problems objectivity.
Identify the problem
One of the first thing that we do is identify the problem. This mean that you know there is a problem.
Identify the solution
Identify a solution to the problem or a result to the problem. You don’t need to how to solve the problem yet, You just need to know that there is problem called P and we have a solution called S.
Start the problem solving
Start the problem solving so you can go from the Problem to solution.
From broke to financially free.
Broke, meaning that you don’t have enough money.
Financially free, meaning that you have enough money that the passive income generated from your investment is enough to support your life style even if you don’t work.
SO you ask yourself
Why am I broke? There could be many answers, but lets say that you said because I have Debt. The answer doesn’t matter, you just need to start using your brain, you need start thinking. So, you can see what’s stopping you from going from point P to S.
Why do I have debt? because I took student loans when I was young and naïve and….
So, you can keep asking the WHY question. why a, why b, why c, why d…
This varies from person to person. But this is just so you can have a ideal how you got to this point in life so far. Of course, we all have a general idea of how we got to the present us. But writing it down this way make us think.
So now that we have our whys, we start finding a solution for it.
In this example we mention debt. So we go though each one trying to find a solution.
how can I eliminate all bad debt. There is good debt that make you money and there is bad debt that take money from you.
well, I can increase my income so i have more money to pay the debt
Ok, good, How to increate your income.
ok, ok we can have multiple sources of income.
alright , alright, we can create passive income.
we can let our money make you more money. there is something call fractional shares we can start even with one $1, this won’t happen over night but even if i have debt, why paying the debt i ought to learn investing skills since i am going to needed anyway.
ok cool, how can i do this. well
I can start with a portfolio. Maybe get multiple checking accounts, one main checking account to deposit all my money, then from there the money is transfer into different checking accounts, one checking account for is paying utilities such as rent, electricity, food, the essentials, another checking account is for emergency funds, another checking account is for investment, another checking account is for taxes, another checking account is to do fun things. another checking account is for paying off bad debt. etc.
I hope you see where I am going. We already know what to do. We just need to do it.
The brain is an interesting organ. by writing down and doing this problem solving process, it allows you to see things that you was not able to see before. It also give you hope to see that it’s possible. That it’s obtainable because you can see a map, a roadmap.
Sometime people think that is too late to start, but think at it this way. If our journey end today. That’s it.
But what if you get to live to 120 years old. Thanks to the internet we can find example of people that have lived a long time and still have a sharp mind and are able to move and live on their own.
Just start the process now, and adjust as you go.