Fun way to invest money for income
There are many different strategies someone can use to invest money. This is a interesting way to invest.
Interesting way to invest money
The aim is to eventually be financially free.
Through time, we become proficient at what we repeatedly do.
Doing the following will increate your skills.
Try to never sell, eventually your capital will grow big enough that you can spend part of the dividends without touching your capital.
During the accumulation phase, This is the investing phase where you use money to grow more money. You don’t use that money for expenses.
We ought to have a portfolio of solid companies. These solid companies all pay dividends.
The dividend % ought to be higher than inflation, although is not a requirement.
Do not automatically reinvest the dividends, instead take that cash and buy share of stocks that are low.
You might heard the saying buy low and sell high.
So you are buying when a stock is low.
Google does not pay dividends. But I want to use an example that a lot of people know.
Look at this graph, it’s an uptrend. Through time is goes up and down, but in the long run it has always gone up. You ought to buy when the price goes down.

Remember, you have a list a good companies that are here to stay.
If for example you have an extra $200 dollars, you check which company or companies the price has gone down and just dump the money into that one or ones.
This is a very simple strategy, the hard party is sticking to it.
Of course, this is just an option, it’s not legal advice , so do your own research.
That’s it.
Take a calculated risk.
Now, start and adjust as you go.