
How can someone make 20k per month

Making 20k per month might seen like dream to some people. But with persistency and the huge amount people that can be reach thanks to the internet, it can be achieve.

With any type of business, you ought to set up the business or side hustle. Once it set up and profitable then move on to set up another one and another one. Just rinse and repeat, eventually you’ll have multiple sources of income

Content creation

People have to communicate and share information somehow.

You can create content either though a blog, a podcast or a video. The content that you create will attract certain type of audience.

Once you have the audience you monetized your blogs, or videos or podcast content.

You can monetize it by doing affiliate marketing or ads or selling courses, couching , the list is huge and the products that you can monetize are endless.

This blog that you are reading right now is consider content. This very blog post will be helpful to someone.

Someone will be at the right time, at the right movement. That person will get interested in some thing that, that person like and that person will buy something.

The owner of this blog will get a commission at no extra cost to the customer because that’s an extra sale that that business will not had made.


Nowadays most people have a cell phone. If their phone get damage beyond repair is like the world is ending.

So they do whatever they have to do in order to get a new cell phone and as quick as possible. Specially if that’s their only way to access the internet.

So what most people are going to do is, they go to the internet and search for information about cell phones.

They already are in a buying mindset, they are going to buy a cell phone no matter what.

A content creator out there most likely is going to get a commission.

If you are one of the people that create content about cell phones, then guess what? you might get the commission.

Ideally is best to pick a specific niche and create content around that niche


You can go multi-niche


You can be the niche, the niche is you the human. Start documenting your journey and sharing your progress. While at the same time monetizing your content.

Hugely important :

Do something that you enjoy and that can profitable. If you cannot enjoy it, most likely you are going to give up when it get tough and it will get tough.

Why because the un-expected happens, accident happens.

In life there good and bad times.

When doing something enjoyable, bad times seen like a temporary set back.

Some creators prefer to forget about enjoyment and treated as a business and go for the money and so on.

I think different.

I think that whatever you do, must be enjoyable to be worth your time. It can be treated as a business and be enjoyable, you can go for the money and be enjoyable.

Peer to peer car sharing

If you have a skill like car mechanic, you can use this skill to start a car sharing side business. If you are good repairing cars, you can buy a used car and repair it. Then you can resell it or while you waiting for it to be resell, you can rent it out.

Simple as that.

Get one car and rent it out, get your second car and rent it out and so on.

There are may platforms out there that can help you rent your cars.

Some of these platforms are :

  • Turo
  • Getaround
  • Avail
  • Hyrecar

You just start doing it yourself, eventually you can outsource it to someone else. Once you are able to outsource it to someone else, that’s a fully functional business making money on your behave without you being there.

Create your own course

If you have all the time in the world and if you search long enough, you can find anything for free online.

But time is freedom. There are many people that rather pay someone that they trust. We rather pay for a course we trust. A course can save time and money since we don’t have to go through all the trails and errors.

Therefore, if you really good at something put it a course and sell it.

Someone will thank you for it.

Regular job

I know, most people hate their job. Even though the job help pays the bills.

In any case, most likely people hate their job mainly because is not paying them enough.

Guess what, While you are on that job, you can be applying for higher paying jobs.


Instead of having one 9-5 job, is better two have two part time jobs. Once again, while you have your part time job you should be applying for higher paying job.

Once you get that higher part time paying job, leave one of the other, so you always have two. rinse and repeat

The great thing about apart time jobs is that they tend to be flexible and if for x reason you get fire in one, you at least have the other one.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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