
How to destroy Andrew Tate

An influential person has the power to move masses of people to his way of thinking. Whether you like Andrew Tate or Not, he has power to change the way many people think.

It appears that because of his comments when his talking about women, it has led to him to being remove from many social media platforms, some of them are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, twitch and twitter.

So the first step is to remove him from places where he can express his voice to the masses.

Then invite him to places where his message can be control to fit the agenda.

This bring us to this video bellow, if you want you can watch the video or can keep reading my opinion bellow the video

This video tittle “Andrew Tate vs Piers Morgan | The Full Interview” on YouTube.

So, this is what I think.

Andrew Tate provide content for Piers Morgan and Piers Morgan provided a platform where Andrew Tate can express his voice. So Piers is the interviewer, he’s there to ask questions. Andrew is the interviewed he’s there to answer questions.

We the audience are here to listen what Andrew Tate has to say, that’s why we are listening. He’s the guest in the show.

Well after watching this video which mind you, is over an hour long. I have to say I am very disappointed with the interviewer.


  • Horrible interview
  • Actually this is not an interview, this was more like an interrogation.
  • The interviewer is continuously interrupting the interviewed
  • The interviewer is talking more than the person being interviewed!!!
  • The interviewer is playing semantics
  • He is suppose to be impartial but It appears like Piers is trying to make Andrew look bad.

It appears like Piers is trying to make Andrew look bad but I think that it might had backfired.

Here is an example

Piers ask Andrew about clinically depressed people.

Andrew think that men should stop believing that they don’t have control. If you are not in control you cannot fix it. So Andrew doesn’t believe in things that take power away. That’s why he doesn’t believe in term like clinically depressed.

He explained that he doesn’t believe that he can be clinically depressed because it is no possible for him to be in that state of mind.

He give an example about ghost. that because he doesn’t believe in ghost, that he cannot be hunted by a ghost.

Which make total sense, if you think ghost do not exist, then you can not be hunted by ghost.

This is not avoiding reality. For some people ghost are real for other people they are not. Whether is there proof that ghost exist , that’s another story.

But the interviewer instead of understanding that everybody is entitle to their own opinion and move on to the next question so we can hear more from the interviewed he start arguing.

I understood that Andrew think that a man should start excising, go to the gym, get a strong body, which intern it make a strong mind.

I think that you can fight anything, if you gain control over your mind, and fix the issue that make you depressed.

I can also understand that people have different opinions and believe, that’s not hard to understand but this interviewer was trying to make Andrew apologize or to say sorry for something that he doesn’t think he did wrong.

I don’t agree with everything Andrew Tate says. He says some things that I don’t support and he also says things that I agree with . Like you have to be a protector and a provider.

Some of his supporters are atheist meaning they don’t believe in a God, and I think Andrew had said that he is a religious person. I think he might be orthodox Christian or Islam , I am not sure.


This was a horrible interview. When you bring a guess to your show. Let the guess speak so we can hear what the guess has to say and move on to the next question.

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