Millionaire Facts That Will Shock You

Millionaire Facts That Will Shock You: Do you dream of becoming a millionaire? You’re not alone. But what does it really take to become a millionaire? And what are some of the surprising facts about millionaires that you may not know?

Millionaire Facts That Will Shock You

Millionaire Facts That Will Shock You

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most shocking facts about millionaires. We’ll shatter some of the myths about millionaires, and we’ll give you some insights into how you can become a millionaire yourself.

The Average Millionaire Is Self-Made

One of the most shocking facts about millionaires is that the average millionaire is self-made. This means that they didn’t inherit their wealth, they earned it through their own hard work and ingenuity.

In fact, a study by Thomas C. Corley found that only 2% of millionaires inherited their wealth. The remaining 98% earned their wealth through a combination of hard work, smart investing, and careful financial planning.

Millionaires Are More Likely To Be Entrepreneurs

Another surprising fact about millionaires is that they’re more likely to be entrepreneurs. In fact, a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that entrepreneurs are 10 times more likely to become millionaires than non-entrepreneurs.

This is because entrepreneurs are more likely to take risks and to think outside the box. They’re also more likely to be self-motivated and to have a strong work ethic.

Married Millionaires Are More Likely To Be Wealthy

Married couples are more likely to be wealthy than single people. This is because married couples have two incomes, and they can share expenses and save money together.

A study by Fidelity Investments found that married couples with children are more likely to be millionaires than married couples without children. This is because children can help to motivate couples to save money for their future.

Millionaires Are More Likely To Be College Graduates

College graduates are more likely to become millionaires than high school graduates. This is because college graduates have the skills and knowledge that are necessary to succeed in high-paying careers.

A study by the Pew Research Center found that 72% of millionaires have a college degree. This is compared to only 32% of the general population.

Millionaires Are More Likely To Be Healthy

Millionaires are more likely to be healthy than people with lower incomes. This is because they have the resources to take care of their health, such as access to good healthcare and the ability to take time off from work to recover from illness.

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that millionaires are less likely to be obese, smoke cigarettes, or have high blood pressure than people with lower incomes.


These are just a few of the shocking facts about millionaires. If you want to become a millionaire yourself, you need to be willing to work hard, take risks, and be smart with your money. But it’s definitely possible to achieve your dreams of wealth, no matter where you come from.

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What do you think of these millionaire facts? Are you surprised by any of them? Let me know in the comments below. And if you found this blog post helpful, please share it with your friends and family.

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