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Renting vs buying a home, which is better?

There are two things to keep in mind when debating renting vs buying a home. One is the financial reason and the other is the Peace and quiet, the fulfillment reason.

No peace and quiet

Renting an apartment is like living with a bunch of noisy people. You might get a lucky temporary quiet time here and there but for the most part there are always going to be noises. Specially, if the apartment that you are renting has thin walls.

In an apartment complex tenants are always moving in and moving out. Sometime you get really good tenants other times you get horrible tenants that have no sense of respect or empathy toward others.

Here are some of the things that you can’t control, These may happens or may not happens depending on the quality of the building complex.

  • Someone decide to blast music.
  • Someone tv is too loud.
  • Someone stomp on the floor.
  • You hear couple or people fighting.
  • Someone cooking smell could go into your apartment at anytime.
  • You hear someone else alarm clock.
  • Someone alarm clock may keep going for 1-1 1/2 hour or more.
  • You hear someone’s alarm then 10 minutes later you hear the same alarm. Aka snooze.
  • You hear someone screaming playing video games.
  • You hear people singing on the shower.
  • You can hear when someone vacuum.
  • You can hear people walking.
  • If the building is too thin, you can hear word by word what people are talking.
  • You can hear when someone turn on the car and leave it on for it to get warm up.
  • You can hear when people goes up and down stairs.

Those are some of the things that came through mind.

Now Imagine that someone is living on the 2nd floor of a three story building.

The person living on the on the 2nd floor has to deal with this.

  • There might be someone living downstairs on the bottom floor
  • There might be someone living upstairs on the top floor.
  • There might be someone living on one side.
  • There might be someone living on another side.

That right there are four apartment that has the potential to be making noises at any given time.

Life is about fulfilment, is about pleasantness in and out.

If you enjoy peace and quite, then living in an apartment may not be for you.

You most likely is going to be drain emotionally, physically and mentally. You are technically in hell and don’t even notice.

Or you might notice but can’t do much about it. Since you can’t control what other tenants do.

So, the question that you ought to be asking is not what’s better, renting or buying a home. But instead which one will allow you to keep your sanity.

Which one will bring you fulfillment, which one will bring you piece of mind.

Financial reason

For these of you punching number to see which one make more financial sense.

  • You can find apartments with everything included for $500.
  • You can also find apartments for $3,500 with nothing included.
  • You can buy a house for $20,000 or for $300,000, prices varies.

The U.S. is a big country.

Nowadays, because of what happened with the pandemic, many companies are moving to work from home lifestyle.

For employer and employees is a win to win situation.

It save the employer money.

On the other hand,

It save the employee time and money too since you don’t have to commute anymore.

This is just my opinion, you can do whatever you want. At the end of the day, it’s your journey.

It’s your right to live as happily or as miserably as you want.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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