
What is the best VPN?

There are many VPN to choose from, However, I only recommend two of them. Either one of them will work. NordVPN and ExpressVPN.

I can give you a bunch of reason why but I won’t do that. I’ll save you a bunch of time effort. And tell you only the things that matter.

You ought to look for a VPN that has two main things.

  • No data retention laws. So they don’t store your data.
  • It can not be part of the five eyes intelligence community. Meaning no US and no EU surveillance.

Of course, you would not be doing anything illegal, so you would not have anything to worry about with any VPN.

You most likely will be using the VPN to access geolocation places that you would not be able to access without a VPN otherwise.

Like Netflix, there are shows and movies that you can not see unless you have access to the geolocation of that country.

Whatever the reason is , is better to be save than sorry. That’s why I only recommend these two.

I actually like NordVPN more but you cannot longer pay with PayPal with it.

That leave you with

ExpressVPN which you can pay with PayPal.

Expressvpn is more expensive than Nordvpn.

ExpressVPN have way less server than NordVPN.

ExpressVPN servers generally maintain their regular speed which is great.

NordVpn servers sometime the speed drop so much that you have to change server.


NordVPn has a great fail-safe feature that if your vpn get disconnect, your internet get disconnect too. So your computer lose access to the internet. And you won’t be connecting to the internet unless the vpn is connnect.

Also, If you click the VPN off button by mistake, your computer lose access to the internet too. Therefore, Without the vpn being on, you won’t be connecting to the internet. I really like this feature.

In order for your computer to connect to the internet without the vpn you have to do some tinkering with the setting.


ExpressVPN has a fail-safe feature too, that if your vpn get suddenly disconnect, you lose the internet too, but it’s a little be different. Once it reconnect automatically, you gain access to the internet again

But here is the little difference

If you click the turn off your button by mistake then you can gain access to internet without the vpn. There is no tinkering.


I think ExpressVPN is more beginner friendly. I think It’s simpler to use than NordVPN. Which is a good thing, Simplicity is always welcome.

Final thoughts

Either of them would work. Just keep in mind that NordVPN stopped offering PayPal as a payment method. ExpressVPV offer PayPal as a payment method.

In the U.S. If you have PayPal, you can buy 20 different things from 20 different websites with only one PayPal account.


You can buy 20 different things from 20 different websites with your credit card or debit card. Which I don’t recommend since your credit card # will be all over the internet.

So, having an online payment platform like PayPal not only protect your credit card # but it also save you time and effort if something were to happen.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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