Whatever is uncomfortable now will become comfortable later
People like to stay in their comfort zone. There is nothing wrong with that. However if you want to grow, you need to leave your comfort zone. Just keep in mind that whatever is uncomfortable now will become comfortable later on.

Little things like doing your dishes after you eat can be of great benefits. If you don’t do your dishes after you eat you ought to start doing it. At first it may feel uncomfortable but you know that doing your dishes after you eat, it the right thing to do.
So just do it and eventually it’ll become comfortable and it even might become a positive habits.
Little things like that can affect other areas of your life.
example you can think of something that you wanted to stop or start doing and you did it. Focus on that for a moment and allow your self to process that, and ask yourself if you was able to do that then you are able to do this new action that you want to start or stop.
Investing for example, Just open an investment account and start putting 1 dollars or 5 dollars here and there. Just messing around with it, do this every day. It’s called fractional shared by the way.
So by doing this you are learning to invest and learning to manager your money even if it’s a few bucks here and there. What’s the worse that could happen to your money? you make a mistake and lose a few dollars.
But even if that was the case, You learn what not to do.
Whatever is uncomfortable now will become comfortable later.
Just start and adjust as you go