
What’s the difference between fear and danger?

Fear is something that is in our mind. Fear is something that you cannot hold or touch. Fear causes us to think about possible threat. Most of the time those possible threat are not real. It’s just in our imagination.


For example, There was this time that I waked up in the middle of the night. It was winter and there was a lot of snow outside. There was so much white snow that light was coming in though the side of the window.

At night usually there is no light because it’s really dark. So, I decided to slide the window curtain and see outside. Suddenly, I notice someone was staring strait at my window. My instant reaction was to close the curtain.

After a few minutes, I decided to open just a little the window curtain, to my surprise that person was still there staring at my window. I closed the window curtain again.

Now, at this point I am really feeling the fear! What’s wrong with this person staring strait at my window. I go and checked and make sure that my self defense tools are ready just in case there is a break in into my place.

I go back to the window, and fully open the curtain.

Guess who was there?

It was the freaking satellite dish!!

That’s right that dish shaped type of parabolic antenna that is use to receive information.

Somehow with all the white snow, plus satellite dish, plus the shadow of it, Plus me waking up half asleep in the middle of the night. It somehow look like a person staring at my window in my mind.

So, that’s fear.

There was no physical danger, it was all in my mind. I created a whole fearful event in mind just because I thought I saw something that in reality was not really there.


On the other hand, Danger is real, danger is physical.

For example, Have you ever encounter an unexpected bear in the country side? If you ever do, feeling scared and threaten is alright because that’s a real threat! At any moment that bear could attack you for no reason. Hence, Danger

That’s it

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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