Why are we able to dream

Why are we able to dream: Dreams are a mysterious and fascinating phenomenon that have captured the imaginations of people throughout history. From ancient cultures believing that dreams were messages from the gods to modern scientific research that explores the relationship between dreams and brain activity, dreaming has remained a topic of interest and speculation. But why are we able to dream? Let’s dive into the science behind this mystical world.

Why are we able to dream

Why are we able to dream

What is a dream?

First things first, what is a dream? A dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. Dreams usually occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a stage of sleep characterized by heightened brain activity, rapid eye movements, and temporary paralysis of the body’s voluntary muscles.

Process and consolidate memories – Theory

One theory suggests that dreaming is a way for the brain to process and consolidate memories. During sleep, the brain replays experiences from the day and consolidates them into long-term memories. Dreams may be a side effect of this process, as the brain attempts to make sense of and organize the memories being consolidated.

Problem-solving – Theory

Another theory is that dreams serve as a form of problem-solving. By allowing the mind to freely associate and create new connections between ideas, dreams may help the brain solve problems and come up with creative solutions.

Psychological function – Believe

But what about those wild and wacky dreams that seem to have no relation to our waking life? Well, some researchers believe that these dreams serve a psychological function, helping us work through emotions and desires that we may not be consciously aware of.


For example, have you ever had a dream where you were being chased or pursued? This could be a manifestation of underlying anxiety or fear in your waking life. Or perhaps you had a dream about an ex-partner, even though you’ve moved on and are in a happy relationship.

This could be a sign that you still have unresolved feelings or emotions related to that past relationship.

How we dream

Now that we have a better understanding of why we dream, let’s explore how we dream. As mentioned earlier, dreams typically occur during REM sleep. During this stage, the brain becomes highly active, with some areas of the brain showing even more activity than when we’re awake.

Brain logical filter temporary off during REM sleep

Interestingly, the part of the brain responsible for logic and critical thinking, the prefrontal cortex, is less active during REM sleep. This may explain why dreams can seem so bizarre and illogical, as our brain’s logical filter is temporarily turned off.

Why are some people better at remembering their dreams than others?

So, why are some people better at remembering their dreams than others? Well, it turns out that dream recall is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, personality traits, and sleep quality. People who are more neurotic, for example, tend to have more vivid and memorable dreams.

Lucid dreaming?

But what about lucid dreaming, the ability to become aware that you’re dreaming and control the content of your dreams? This is a skill that can be developed with practice and is often used as a tool for personal growth and exploration.


In conclusion, dreaming is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that serves a variety of functions, from memory consolidation to emotional processing. While the exact reasons why we dream remain a mystery, scientific research has provided us with some valuable insights into this mystical world.

So, the next time you have a dream, take a moment to reflect on what it may be trying to tell you. And who knows, with a little practice, you may even be able to control your dreams and explore the depths of your subconscious mind. Sweet dreams!

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