How to make a WordPress Homepage with Gutenberg without plugins or elementors

How to make a WordPress Homepage with Gutenberg without plugins or elementors: How to Create a Stunning WordPress Homepage with Just Gutenberg (No Plugins or Elementors Required!). So, you’ve decided to create a beautiful new homepage for your WordPress site. But wait – there’s no need to waste your time and money on a plugin or page builder. With the powerful Gutenberg editor, you can create a stunning homepage all on your own!

How to make a WordPress Homepage with Gutenberg without plugins or elementors

How to make a WordPress Homepage with Gutenberg without plugins or elementors

Gutenberg editor

First, let’s talk about the Gutenberg editor. This powerful tool is built right into WordPress, so there’s no need to download anything extra. It’s easy to use and comes with a wide range of blocks that can be used to create just about anything you can imagine.

Now, let’s get to creating your new homepage!

Step 1: Choose a theme

Before you start building your homepage, you need to choose a theme. This will set the foundation for your site’s look and feel. If you don’t have a theme yet, don’t worry. WordPress has a wide selection of free and paid themes to choose from. Take some time to browse and find one that matches your vision for your site.

Step 2: Start with a blank page

Once you’ve chosen a theme, it’s time to start creating your homepage. Go to Pages > Add New, and create a new page. This will be your homepage.

Step 3: Add blocks

With the Gutenberg editor, you can add a wide range of blocks to your page. To add a block, simply click the plus (+) button in the top left corner of the editor. From here, you can choose from blocks like text, images, buttons, columns, and more.

For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s create a simple homepage with a header, hero image, and a call to action.

Start by adding a header block. In the header block, you can add a logo, navigation menu, and any other elements you want to include in your header.

Next, add a hero image block. This block allows you to add a large, eye-catching image to your page. Choose an image that represents your brand and what you offer.

Finally, add a call to action block. This block can be used to encourage visitors to take a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Step 4: Customize your blocks

Once you’ve added your blocks, it’s time to customize them. With the Gutenberg editor, you can easily change the appearance of each block by using the options on the right-hand side of the screen. For example, you can change the font, color, background color, and more.

Step 5: Preview and publish

When you’re satisfied with your homepage, it’s time to preview it. To do this, simply click the Preview button in the top right corner of the editor. If everything looks good, you’re ready to publish your homepage!

Congratulations! You’ve just created a stunning WordPress homepage using only the Gutenberg editor. It’s amazing what you can achieve with just a little bit of creativity and the right tools.


In conclusion, with the Gutenberg editor, you have everything you need to create a beautiful and functional homepage for your WordPress site. So why waste time and money on plugins or page builders? Give it a try and see for yourself just how easy and fun creating a WordPress homepage can be.

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