How To Schedule A Blog Post On WordPress For A Future Date

This is how to schedule a blog post or a page post on WordPress for a future date.

Login into your WordPress and from Dashboard Clink on Post>Add new

schedule a blog post on WordPress

After you have written your post.

On the right side under “status & visibility” Click on on “immediately“.

schedule a blog post on WordPress immediately

Pick the date and time you want the schedule post to be publish.

schedule a blog post on WordPress pick date

It should look like this after

schedule a blog post on WordPress pick date done

Once you chosen the date and time that you want the post schedule click on “Schedule“.

schedule a blog post on WordPress schedule

Click on “schedule” again

schedule a blog post on WordPress schedule second

WordPress will Publish the post on the schedule date automatically.

schedule a blog post on WordPress schedule verification

You should be able to see a verification of this.

Also if you go to posts you should be able to see the post is scheduled.

schedule a blog post on WordPress schedule verification 2

If you need to update the post before the schedule date, just update the post and click on Schedule again and it will update the post with the new information

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