What Is A Website Logo

A website logo is a graphical image usually place on the top left corner of your website. The logo help website visitors to identify the website that they are visiting . The logo serve as some kind of landmark.

Traditionally people tend to place the logo on the top left corner but it can be place on the footer that’s right the bottom. It could be place on the center or on the right site. You could be different, That’s up to you where to put it, but keep in mind, people tend to expect a website logo to be on the left side top corner. It appears that’s the place that is easier to remember.

Look at a well know website like Amazon.com, if you go there, you probably wants to make sure that you are in the correct website. Most likely you are going to look at the site icon in the browser tab or at the top left corner.

Here is an example

what is a website logo

A website logo is not require but it could be quite beneficial. Since it’s unique graphical image can represent your vision. Some people confuse logo and brand. Brand is not a logo. A logo is actually kind of part of your brand. A way to not get it confuse is to think as the logo as the graphical part, just a small part. While the brand is the big part compose of multiple things, like experience, reputation, thoughts. etc.

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