Brush and Floss after every meal
Gently, you ought to brush and floss after every meal. After every time you eat something, you gently brush and floss.

Brush and Floss after every meal
You ought to gently brush and floss after every meal, there should be no excuse. That’s what I would like say, but we don’t live in an ideal world. Keep reading and hope to help yourself and your next generation create beneficial habits that will last a life time.
Bactria and germs
About 700 species of microorganisms or bacteria live in your mouth. Therefore, on your teeth, on your tongue, on the area between the gum and the tooth there are many little organism. And just like you many of these microorganisms eat and poop too.
Unhealthy food and drink
When you eat and drink unhealthy food. Specially, food and drinks with bad sugar on it, you are feeding the bacteria.
- We have good and bad bacteria in our mouth. Good bacteria are beneficial to you, they are fit and healthy.
- Bad bacteria are bad food, they are lazy
Acid Produced
When bacteria eat, they poop after. that’s how acid is produced. So the poop is the acid that damage and eat away the teeth over time.
Cavity are permanent damaged areas on your teeth. Although you may not see , your teeth have many little holes. Cavity make these hole grow bigger and deeper to the point where it goes from healthy holes to unhealthy and horrifying holes.
Most cavities take several months or years to form. It does not happen over night. That’s why it’s good to visit the dentist because they can see things in your mouth that you can’t.
When you eat, usually after 20 minutes that’s when acid in your mouth start affecting your teeth. Remember, acid is the poop that the bacteria left behind.
Therefore, you ought to gently brush and floss after every meal.
- 3 meals at day, gently brush and floss at least 3 times at day
- 5 meals at day, gently brush and floss 5 at least times at day
john eat a really big meal just once at day around 5 pm, then john ought brush and floss his teeth after he eat his meal. But he might also ought to gently brush and floss right before bed time because when you are sleeping these bacteria are having a party in your mouth. But also when he wake up, he might want to gently brush and floss his teeth because he want to clean up all the mess that the bacteria left behind while he was sleeping.
Therefore, even though he is eating once day, he might wants to GENTLY brush and floss his teeth 3 times at day.
Therefore, regardless of how many times you eat at day, you ought to Gently brush and floss your teeth at least 3 times a day, that’s just my opinion base of life experience.
You may ask why so much flossing? it’s a habit, Gently brushing and flossing goes together. You wouldn’t clean a side of your butt and left the other side dirty. So, it’s the same with the teeth, you clean the whole teeth that include between the gum and the teeth, and of course don’t forget the tongue.
Gently brush and floss
You might have notice that I mention a few times Gently brush and floss the teeth.
The reason is you ought to think of teeth as plastic. If you brush too hard then your eating away the teeth enamel. Brushing too hard will damage your teeth.
Therefore, Brush gently
Ideally, you ought to brush and floss after every meal, but if you can’t then after every meal at least rinse your mouth. If there ever comes a time where you forget or don’t have your toothbrush with you then use your fingers to brush your teeth in the meantime.
Final thoughts
Gently, you ought to brush and floss after every meal. After every time you eat something, you gently brush and floss.