Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas – my opinion and review on it.

Dr Pradip Jamnadas is an anti-aging doctor, Unlike most physicians he appears to like to focus on water fasting. I really like the message that he’s giving since I practice and have experience quite well the benefits of water fasting.

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You can either watch the video, its duration is 1:20:58 long or you can read my review and opinion on it below the video.

When we read or watch something we tend to learn and accept things that goes with our mind programing and we tend to block or ignore things that goes against our mind programing or conditions.

We all have being indoctrinated by the system, by our environment, by our parents and peers that sound us.

But unlike animals that can be condition to do certain behaviors for life or until the day they died. We are humans, and as such we have the ability to think. Which in turn give us the ability to self-programing by making certain choices in a certain way.

The reason I say this is because as I watched the video there are certain things that I agree and disagree. So, you as a human when you watch or read something, you ought to take what you think is beneficial to you and disregard what doesn’t.


Because in the end of the day. It’s your journey. And only you knows what’s best for you. A experience that makes someone happy might make someone else miserable.

With that said let’s start.

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Sugar, salt and fat

He mention that sugar, salt and fat is a bad combination. I agree with this.

Close your eyes and think of something sweet. Does it make you crave? does it make you salivate?

You see.

Sugar does affect dopamine level which can cause addiction. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that you body make and its use by the body cells to communicate. Dopamine plays a major role on how we feel pleasure.

Human tends to gravitate toward pleasure and avoid pain. So, sugar is bad for the body. It causes addition.

Let’s try this again

Close you eyes but this time think of something salty.

Does you mouth feel watery?

Salt causes addiction too. If you having any doubt , try eating that fish, or French fried without salt.

Let’s try this one more time.

Close your eyes and think about that fatty piece of meat steak.

That’s right.

Fat causes addiction too.

Specially when there is a combination of sugar, salt and fat.

Dr Pradip Jamnadas appears to recommend not to eat with flour. It appears that he thinks that human are paleolithic being which means that human are suppose to eat mostly meat, some vegetable, some little fruits and drink lot of water.

Paleolithic human are the human that used to live during the stone age. At the very beginning during the primitive age.

What I got from his explanation is that human in a DNA level has not evolve enough for the kind of process food that most people eat nowadays.

So, we eating food that the body can’t process well, which in turn make the food kind of poisoness to the body.

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Fasting and feasting

I think he say that eating is dangerous and that we should be fasting and feasting. I completely agree with this.

I like to tell the story about this individual I knew when I was younger. He used to say that he has never gotten a headache in his entire life.

That’s hard to believe.

But as you get older you learn a thing or two.

For example, when you feel pain. You can tell from which part of the body you are feeling the pain. Are you feeling the pain in your legs, arms, torso, head? and so on. And that’s how you can tell if your pain is coming from your head or not.

I practice fasting and feasting almost everyday or at least I try to. The environment that you are or visit can dictate what you eat and not eat. Most of the time I eat once or twice at day. Even when I eat twice at day, usually I eat during a period of time. And then I don’t eat anything till the next day.

And your body does learn and get use to it. Like today, As I am writing this post, I have not eating anything yet, just drank lemon water. And one of the best part is that I am not hungry at all.

So, I am a true believer of the benefits of doing this.

Some benefits that I have experience. No headache, no stomach pain in many years. The only pain I get is eyes strained pain and the reason for this is that I work with computer, I use computer at home and I use other devices like my cell phone. All of them use screen that I have to look at.

Hence, my eyes is kind of the body part that I use the most, and get the least rest.

So, my eyes get little rest through the day, I do try to use blue light screen protector and other stuff to help the eyes.

Of course, I cannot attribute all the benefits to fasting, It also have to be with the food you eat too. Like everybody else even though I try to eat healthy I still do eat crappy food too.

But fasting allow you body to fully rest. And allowing body to fully rest is something that most people just don’t do.

Don’t get confused with sleeping. You could be sleeping well, getting enough sleep. But you have to give the body enough time between meals to allow it to completely rest, hence eating once or twice at day during a period of time usually between 6 hours.

What happens in your body when you don’t eat for a period of time?

Dr. Pradip Jamnadas goes over what happen in your body when you don’t eat. he says that when you don’t eat for first 12 hours the glycogen in your liver and your muscles in your body will be used. This happen because your glucose level needs to be maintain in your body.

In other words your body use glycogen and muscle to main the sugar level when you have not eating anything for 12 hours.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about not having enough sugar.

he also mention that we have a lot of protein in our body so we don’t’ have to worry about proteins.

He mention vitamins, how we have months of it in our body. So , no worries there either.

This is interesting, about fats, he mention that we have enough fats to last about 40 days. Therefore, we have enough energy to burn.

I like that he mention that if you are a sugar addict then you will feel horrible during fasting. I think still fasting is great for because it would help reset the body and eliminate the sugar addiction.

On the other hand. This means that if you are not a sugar addict then should be ok.

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After 12 hours of not eating anything, Ketosis might happens

Dr Pradip Jamnadas goes over what happens after the 12 hours of not eating.

Remember, we talking about not eating food. You are suppose to drink water. only water. or you can add lemon to the water or a little bit of salt to the water to avoid headaches and dizziness if you are getting them.

supposedly, After the 12 hours of not eating then ketosis happens.

Ketosis is simply when the body use body fat as a energy source instead of food.

He says that when your insulin level are high, you store energy into fat. I agree.

He says that when your insulin level are low, you use the store energy, in this case the fats. I agree.

He says that ketones can be use by every cell in your body and even your brain. I also agree with this because base on my past research and understanding of the human body, it make sense to me.

He says that if you don’t eat you not going to make insulin. I agree and let me add that ketosis can’t happen if you have insulin. In order for ketosis to happens your sugar level needs to be really low.

He says that eating after a fast is better than eating in a fed state. I do not remember why he said that, probably because the body is well rested. I really do not remember why he said that.

But I can tell you some else instead. From my own experiences food just test better.

It’s like the mouth tongue, the tasting part of your tongue that allow you to taste resets. Food just taste better. You can also tell what food is rotten much better too.

He says that fasting create new brain cells. I agree, I think fasting allow your body to create new brain cell, hence body wants you to do it gain.

He also says that the body create growth hormone. Omg, this alone should be enough to convince someone to do fasting. Growth hormone keep people young.

To my understanding the growth hormone that the drug industry sells, it’s not only really expensive but the quality is not good compare to the one that is make by the body. The growth hormone make by fasting.

He goes over autophagy.

Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.

If you are healthy they can’t make money out of you!

I think he mention how no one will support this kind of lifestyle because if you just get better then they can not longer make money out of you. I do agree with this too. I do think that the current health system we have is base on profit. And it’s not on making people healthy permanently.

He recommend to some of his patients restricted or one day fasting, also 3 and 7 days fasting

He appears to recommends 3 days fast and 7 days fast to his patients. he says that fasting is great for anti-inflammatory and it give your body a change to heal. There you go, I agree, although, I rather do one days fasting or time restricted fasting as he call it.

I think slow and steady win the race. Therefore, I think that eating once or twice per day during a period of time is better. Because I think is easier for people to skip one meal or two meals during the day and then have large feast that will carry you until the next day.

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If your body is telling you not to eat, then don’t eat

He mention, if you body is telling not to eat ,don’t eat. I completely agree with this. for example, I think that if the body is fighting invaders it will switch some of its function to fight the invaders. When you eat the body use energy in order to digest the food you eat.

So, that energy that the body is using to digest the food, could be use to fight the invaders in your body.

He also mention that hunger will comes and go. I am living proof of that, I some time get hungry then I drink water then soon after the hunger goes away. And sometimes, I thought that I was hungry but in reality I was just thirsty.

Things to keep in mind

He mention that if you are fasting and you getting dizziness this might mean that your blood pressure is down.

Also that if you having headache or craps, it probably means that your body might be low on salt.

That a solution to this is, you might put a little bit of salt in the water so you can get better. That salt and magnesium ought to make you feel better.

I think, I am not sure about this one, but I think He mention that you should eat once at day in about 6 to 8 hour window. Probably he said around 6 hours give or take. I do agree, if you eat once at days will be getting a little bit of ketosis and a little bit of autophagy.

He mention once at week instead of a 24 hour fast , to do a 36 hours fast. I say Best of luck to you. I rather do fast and feast everyday. It’s being working fine. So, let’s not push our luck.

Other things Dr Pradip Jamnadas mention

He mention that he suggest to his patients time restricted eating, once at day
he also mention that some of his patients do intermedia fasting , some do 7 days fasting every 6 months.

I already went over this above. oh well.

How does the body knows what to eat?

He goes over how does the body knows what you eat, like sugar, like proteins and so on.

Well, have you ever have a conversation with a doctor or a high college professor or a mathematician and they start using high level words. It’s like they forget that they are speaking so someone that is not at their level. They forget that are speaking to a normal person.

Well, this part was one of them. As much I love to pay attention, sometime my mind kind of go wondering on its own.

So, I just going to leave it at that. The body some how know what to eat.

He mention that vitamin D, is extremely important to repair your body. And that 90% of the people in the lecture that he was giving was vitamin D deficient. I was not sure about it. That’s a high percentage. I did some research and found out that about 42% of the US population is Vitamin D deficient.

He mention generic expression, how vitamin is important, that there are about 300 or so process that use vitamin D. I think he talking about DNA here. This is a risky area, some people say that you can change your DNA, other People say that you can’t change your DNA.

I know that vitamin D is beneficial for the body. I also know that vitamin D might be beneficial in keeping the integrity of the DNA. Vitamin D can help the DNA to prevent damage to the DNA cells and to repair and growth the DNA cells. Base of my understanding of course.

On this part, I don’t think I understood his explanation well.

I like Dr Pradip Jamnadas message, and what he’s trying to do. To make people do fasting and eat the right thing, so we can have a healthy lifestyle. A critic I have about his message is that it should be simplify down so even a 5 year old can understand.

Specially now, in the age of the internet and media where people have low focus.

Someone might think that simplifying the message so someone much younger can understand is asking for too much.

But ,I don’t think so.

We might assume that the reason that he is giving that lecture is because he wants people to listen to his message of the benefits of fasting.

Well, when highly intelligent people are talking to the masses, I think that simplifying the language when talking with less intelligent people will benefit him and the people that he is trying to help.

Because explaining things in simpler term will help the less intelligent people to share his message. Which in turn help him to get more exposure.

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Things to eat

He mention to eat the right food, which mean not eating processed food. Instead eating some fruit, vegetable and meat.

He mention that fruit is overacted because fruits(fructose) are seasonal, but now days winter never comes so you keep eating fruits throughout the year. I think that’s true, now that I think about it. I see oranges, lemons, grapefruit and so on all year long, and I think that they are suppose to be seasonal.

He mention that we ought to just eat one fruit at day with low glycemic index.

Glycemic index is a way or a value from 0-100 to measure how much certain type of food increase the blood sugar level.

He mention that omega 3 is extremely important. That about 95% of the people in his lecture has a ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 off. the ration should be 1 to 1 but most people have 20 to 1, 20 being omega 6 and 1 being omega 3.

I think that’s true base on my understanding and past research base western diet. the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio is about 1-18. And this is quite off.

He mention that omega 6 come from things like vegetable oils.
and that omega 3 come from fish oil.

So, does eggs, where is he going with this?

Oh i see!

He says that omega 3 and 6 compete each other for the same substrate. if you use fish oil and vegetable oil. Since both them compete in the body, consuming both will defeat the purpose.

This have me thinking about a nutritionist. And how beneficial is to learn to combine certain foods so they do not conflict with each other.

He mention that meditation is good for your your DNA and that your generic expression changes with every mean you eat.

What in the world is generic Expression?

This is what I mean when someone use words that normal people may not understand.

What at hell is genetic expression?

I go to google search for genetic expression definition.

Nope, there is not a definition

The closest thing is gene expression and even then the definition is confusing.

I go to google and type in “genetic expression” in parenthesis to narrow the search.


After a while searching I still don’t understand it. I must be really…

I do more searching.

It appear that inside the DNA, The cells are doing their things making proteins. You know, they are playing around turning things on and off.

What are the cells turning on and off? I have no idea and at this point I don’t care anymore. Whatever that is that the cells are turning on and off is suppose to be important.

The point is that the process of the cells doing what they are doing. That is call genetic expression. at least that’s what I kind of understood, I could be wrong though.

And that the things you eat might affect your genetic expression

I just going to leave it at that.

He mention that rest is important. I do agree.


He mention how important melatonin is. I do agree,

Here is my thoughts and this is coming from experience. You ought put a face mask and avoid light at night while you are sleeping. No light should be going into your eyes. Because if light goes into your eyes then melatonin production will decrease and melanin production will stop.

Yes two different words. Melatonin and melanin. we’ll go into that.

Melatonin is a body hormone that is connected to your sleep cycle. The light during the days decrease it’s production,

Melatonin control Melanin

Have you ever heard the word melanin. It protect the eyes from UV damage and light. this is super important. If you use computers for long period of time like me. If you don’t have enough melanin in your eyes. The light from the computer will cause you pain on the back of you eyes.

I mean really bad pain on the back of the eyes.

Thank to me keeping and being aware of this. My melanin level are high, Yes fellas, I put my sleeping mask on at night. I do my best to put it on. Sometime I forget thought.

Also, having blue light protector glasses and on my computer screen help.

It help so much that nowadays mostly I get eyes strained instead of pain. Although its my fault for not allow my eyes to rest from the screen even though I know I should.

Is ok, I am now learning and building better habits as time passes, of that I’m sure.


He mention that high proteins diet increase risk of cancel. Ouch, watch out bodybuilders.

He says that about 0.35 gram proteins per pound is what the average person need. People should not be eating proteins bars, because it has sugar on it. Meat is better, chicken , fish.

Keep a eye on corn though, it has omega 6 and most of us already have enough of omega 6.

he said sugar causes inflammation on the body, processed sugar is poison to the body. I think so too.

He says if you don’t want cancel, hearth disease, diabetes, inflammatory conditions, then don’t get old.

I laughed at this, who in world want to get old.

He advice that people ought to fasting, eat the right food and to decrease stress.

it appears he support vitamins D , Vitamins D help with the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate in the body.

He also support vitamins K2. Vitamins k2 take the calcium out of the tissue and put it back into the bones.

Fats are good for help with absorption, of vitamins such as k and D

He mention that we have drastically changed the way we eat, it’s only being 10 generations and the generic Materia (DNA) has not gotten a chance to catch up to the food that we are eating.

So the process food that most people eat is bad for the body because the body has not adapted to eat in a cellular level. (DNA)

He mention that after fasting, bone broth is good for you. That Even during fast you can eat it if you need to.

That Potassium, magnesium, phosphate might decrease during fasting, therefore, bone broth help you with those.

I think he mention that black tea is good for you.

Something interesting he said is that physician are teach to treat illness , that if you get sick, you’ll need to see a physician but what you want is not to get sick and stay healthy.

He advice to take health into your own hands, I completely agree

Final thoughts

I usually don’t like to write post like this. However, if I need to go back, it’s easier for me to go back to this post instead of watching the video

I just find it more practical to go back and ford in a post than in a video.

I do think that restricted fasting or one day fasting is the way to go if you want to be and maintain being healthy.

And even if you eating crappy food, just fasting one day will allow you body to get fully rested.

Therefore, you ought to do one day fasting. Whether you eat healthy or not.

If you like this post, you may also like Water Fasting.

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That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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